National Treasure: Book of Secrets *NO SPOILERS*

I thought the movie was great! But it just seemed to be a little fast paced to me. I wish they had taken more time in the other countries. Everything was just rush, rush, rush. I do understand that their trying to find the treasure before the villain. But. . . I don't know :confused:

I did think Book of Secrets was a whole lot funnier than the first. . . just my opinion! ;)

Wow, it's like you read my mind :p

I liked the first one a lot better. This one was funny and all, but it had an incomplete plot.... that I won't go into since this is a no spoiler zone... but yeah. It could have been better.
I Hope They'll Have National Treasure III :rolleyes:

I think there is a possibility, because at the end when Ben is talking to the President and he says something about page 47 (or whatever the number was) he says it's life changing (or something like that. . . been awhile since I seen it) ;)