New Narnia

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Sir Godfrey said:
Have mercy!!!!!!
Not until Barney teaches LT a lesson and you get brainwashed by Big Bird. Also you must feed candy to ILIKEPILLOW'S "sexy" penguins.

....this is weird......penguins...big bird..barney..but still you must do all of that
Sir Godfrey said:
Nope, The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witc and the Wardrobe on Stars Family.
*locks Godfrey in pepsi bottle and puts Barney, Big Bird and Sexy Penguins in there with him outta anger*
....urm...sorry to interupt....but i dont want to get caught....because this is a RPG and were talking like duffers...*everyone looks at her like she's and aelian from outer space* who wants to have a pillow fight....and let Sir Godfrey out you little imp!*Runs at Mrs FmN*AHHHHH...... i love you!*Gives a big hug*
Hey guys ill still be logged on but im going back and forth because im making apple pie with my dad so..yea...
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