New Narnia

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Sir Godfrey said:
Prehapes we should re-cap. Ok I'm goning to cut Sir Godfrey's adventure short, by only posting one more part of it. I will find a way for Sir Balin ot escape Mizar's clutchs and I'll work on Sir Galahad some more. But I need ot know what is going on with everyoen else....
NO!!! Brightlywound and I will never tell you of our plan!!!!!! NEVER!!!!

Only joking... Actually I'm serious... You guys aren't suppose to know the plan until we put it into action...
Lady Chloe said:
NO!!! Brightlywound and I will never tell you of our plan!!!!!! NEVER!!!!

Only joking... Actually I'm serious... You guys aren't suppose to know the plan until we put it into action...
¡USTED IDIOTA! Nunca se supone hasta que usted dice a la gente que usted TIENE un plan- lol lol jk you know you are my vapor inhalor-
Lady Chloe said:
NO!!! Brightlywound and I will never tell you of our plan!!!!!! NEVER!!!!

Only joking... Actually I'm serious... You guys aren't suppose to know the plan until we put it into action...

Well then I'm never putting up spoilers again....joking!
Lady Chloe said:
**Growls!** How dare ye threaten me with such a thing!!!! **Attacks!!**
CHLOE!! SIE müssen vorgeben, dass Sie sich nicht sorgen, so können Sie ebenso komisch sein wie ich!! TUN SIE nicht SIE WOLLEN MIR ÄHNLICH SEIN!?! NIEMAND MAG MICH!! *SCHREIE*
IC: The figure was not in focus. It was as though a fog had come and stood between them. "Who are you?" Chloe asked regaining her composure, gently placing her hand on the hilt of her sword.

OOC: Who is this stranger? o.O **Cliffhanger**
Lady Chloe said:
IC: The figure was not in focus. It was as though a fog had come and stood between them. "Who are you?" Chloe asked regaining her composure, gently placing her hand on the hilt of her sword.

OOC: Who is this stranger? o.O **Cliffhanger**
Lady Chloe said:
IC: The figure was not in focus. It was as though a fog had come and stood between them. "Who are you?" Chloe asked regaining her composure, gently placing her hand on the hilt of her sword.

OOC: Who is this stranger? o.O **Cliffhanger**

Who is it?
Sir Godfrey said:
Who is it?
WARUM SIE DARAUF SIND, WENN ich BALD INS BETT GEHEN MUSS! Sie sind niedrig. Grausam. Stopfen Sie es Sie verletzen meine Gefüh -*Schreie*

well she is off now anywayz
Sir Godfrey said:
I know, but when she gets back I'll find out. For she can not resist my powers...haahahahahahahaha.
Oh bedeutete mein friggin Mensch ich hoffe Sie, nicht, was ich denke, dass Sie-EWWWW meinen
♥Ms.*Forgetmenot*♥ said:
Oh bedeutete mein friggin Mensch ich hoffe Sie, nicht, was ich denke, dass Sie-EWWWW meinen

Stop saying thins like that, I didn't mean it like that. Adn please keep it hush, sush if she knew my powers I'd be in big trouble with the Jedi.
Sir Godfrey said:
Stop saying thins like that, I didn't mean it like that. Adn please keep it hush, sush if she knew my powers I'd be in big trouble with the Jedi.
who said my posts are thin?

You have powers WOW
Character Profile:

Name:Sir Galahad
Title: Knight of the Eastern Wood
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Home land: The Lone Islands
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 178 lbs
Affilation: Narnia and The Eastern lands
Marital Status: Single

Created On: October 16th, 2006.

Back Story:

Sir Galahad was born on one of the Lone Islands, and raised
as a squire in a royal household. After serving his royal
subjects he was moved to the King's court and later
dubbed a knight. He has recently been sent to search
for the Knig's daughter Princess Isebella.
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