Ninja RPG(based off Naruto)


New member
This is basically like Naruto but you start yourself off as an Genin instead of an Academy student.
When you become a Genin you shall be partnered into a up into a group of three. You shall choose from these villages:hidden leaf,sand,and sound.
You shall see Naruto and other characters as the same rank as you are but
you will not be in the same group as them. There will be four teachers for each village. If you would like to join please Pm me.

Here are things you shall put to become an Genin.

Age: (has to be 13)
Rank: (you have to be an Genin)
Group: (will be chosen later)
Pic or Apppearance:

Watanabe Haruka(female)
Kitagawa Tadashi(Male)
Kiomata Yokoshi (Male)
Hoyasam Lyoko(female)

Sorimoto Kyoko(female)
Gagatana Leomaru(Male)
Tarayama Yomo(Male)
Uzamaki Hatashi(Male)

Rakatan Reiko(female)
Diamato Satoshi(male)
Faramatu Gaia(male)
Yokohama Morimoto(male)



Name: Seiko Tachikawa(!)
Bio: Seiko is from the Leaf village and and learn new techininqes easily. She
uses her kunai most of the time.
Village:Hidden Leaf
Appearance: Jet black hair tied into two ponytails,sapphire blue eyes

Name:Renoski hallenochu(SqueakyArcher)

Rank: Genin

Village: Hidden leaf

Bio: likes to fight and is curious and brave. His past is also very mysterious

Name: Kyosuke Kagami(Tsukyomi)
Village: Konoha
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Bio: Quiet, helps out alot. Doesn't talk much, unless it's necessary.


Name: Kojima Michiyo(Lady Larien)
Age: 13
Bio: (coming soon)
Rank: Genin
Village: Hidden Sand
Pic: (coming soon)


Kinjo Lee(The White Dragon)


Bio: she love fighting and hanging with her friends

group: sound
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I can probably get my friend to join but he won't be on for i don't know how long. I might be able to get my other friend to join though.
ooc-We may start this RPG!The setting is where everyone got their forehead protector.....

ic-"I'm finally a ninja mom!"Seiko asid hugging her mom. "I'm so happy for my
little Seiko-chan! Come on let's go home I'll make something nice for you!"she said going home.
ooc: sweet I was hoping this rpg would start soon :D

ic: Renoski woke up to the sound of his alarm,"Stupid alaram", he said slamming his fist down on the clock.
ooc-Here are the teams....
Kitagawa Tadashi(Male,Leaf)-Seiko Tachikawa,Renoski hallenochu,Akira Gomata(additional partner for this team)

Sorimoto Kyoko(female,Sand)-Kojima Michiyo,(Additional characters....)
Tara Watanabe, Iruka Totabe

Faramatu Gaia(male,Sound)-Kinjo Lee,(Additional characters...)
Haruka Daibo, Satoshi Yokohama

THe addtional characters personalitys will be anything you want....

Right now everyone is meeting eachother in their group...
"Everyone says he's the best. He's just a show-off,I'm one of the girls who doesn't like him. I want to challege him when I'm ready"Seiko said confidently.