Non-Mod Talk - Only for non-mods III

i'll try. there is the blush smiley (which is, approriately, pink/rose), waldo (course! blue), the smile smiley (yellow), the eek smiley (blue), the sad smiley (blue) (i think), the mad smiley (red), the grin smiley (greener than green), the cool smiley (blue) um............ well..............

no, can't think of all of them.
the sad one (bob) is purple. And then you've got the wink-one, blue also. And the tongue smiley, pink. 5 blue, 1 purple, 2 pink, 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow.

I wonder, if all the other colours would make a conspiracy against blue, what would happen?
Ah, how nice, Olorinsesss, thank you:p And another thing: you're obsessed.

Let's start therapy then. Can you resist a highlight, a quote or anything like it:

in there?