Official Brush&Hide graphic-maker contest!

I gave you an idea for a banner O.o Woah! I have completely no idea what I posted to actally give you an idea! :eek:

I have an idea too, but I can't really use photoshop right now, so, I'm gonna write it down and show it to my stuffed friends :D

And we love you too Vanessa :D
*gasp* you dare keep me in suspense? :D
And I'm hoping it would be pretty good :D I'll just wing it! Or probably try on some tuts or something. I learn from teh best. :D *cough*VanessaDaniAnnaTLVLionessPCandmaybeeveryoneelse*cough*
Wow, that's one long cough :D
I'm not really her aunt *eek* I'm not that old yet! Well.. YET. But we'll see *rolleyes*

Who could not nominate Vanessa? Really? Raise your hands if you don't wanna nominate her.
Or even vote for her for that matter?

*crickets and silence*

I thought so.

And you didn't get any bows and arrows for Christmas! I forgot what I agve you though. *rolleyes*
Vanessa makes gorgeously-beautiful banners!!!:p

*Julianna stands guard, ready to poke people with a hotdog if they don't vote for Vanessa* :D
Glad to see everyone is getting into the contest :) On the graphics you nominees get to make: It doesn't have to be one can be one for the banner, one for the avie, ect. It doesn't even need to be the same theme! I thought it would be so much more fun this way, let everyone show thier wild and creative side. Ya'know?

(something I forgot to mention in the first post, and am now adding, that to be a true nominee you must have two or more nominations.)
Pressure's on people :D
Is it still okay to nominate people?Haven't been on in a bit.
If so:
Mrs. Gil-Galad Took
The Large Voice

I'd nominate you,Lost Dreamer,but not sure if thats in the rules,since you started the contest.:p
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He he, you can nominate anyone. If I was the judge I wouldn't let anyone nominate me as theres a conflict in interests, but since I'm not judge, I don't think anyone else would mind. and i'm honered you'd nominate me ;)