Official Brush&Hide graphic-maker contest!

It's the time to make banner, avie and (if possible) the wallpaper for the contestants :D

I think you also the nominee, GG should make it all :D

this is not my official entry yet, I just wanted to know if you guys thought it should be
:eek: AAAAAARRRGHHHH.....LD SAID IT'S NO RUSH!!!!! can I beat both of you!!!! I better off now and make it hurry!!!

I'm in the pressure!!!!! AAAAAARRRGHHHHH :D

this is not my official entry yet, I just wanted to know if you guys thought it should be
That is so cool! Do you have Gimp now, or which program did you use for the lens flare? :cool::D

I can't tell you that's what you should enter, until I see it compared with something else you're thinking of entering..hehe:p
I'll work on it, but you and MGGT will be the ones I go to to ask.

I found the lens flare for the first time on that banner. it's in photoplus


I'm in the pressure!!!!! AAAAAARRRGHHHHH

no pressure!!!! breath in! breath out!

and one stupid question: do the banner, wallpaper and avatar have to match?
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I'll work on it, but you and MGGT will be the ones I go to to ask.

I found the lens flare for the first time on that banner. it's in photoplus


no pressure!!!! breath in! breath out!

and one stupid question: do the banner, wallpaper and avatar have to match?
Yay for lens flares!:D
And in answer to your Q - nope, the wallpaper/banner/av don't have to match: let's see your interests and originality! *grin*

(For my entries, I chose my 3 favorite movies: LOTR, Narnia and a black&white classic - It Started With Eve...*smile*)

Here is my avatar entry.


not sure if this is my final choice, but it'll do for now.:rolleyes:

EDIT: Danny Darnia, GG's right - no pressure! Just take your time: you always come up with beautiful graphics!!! :)
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Those are wonderful :eek: :eek: :eek: I have my banner almost finished. I want to give it a special touch . Then I am going to work on the avy and wallpaper. No, I don't have MJF in it for this occasion :D
Those are gorgeous dani!! :eek:

Can't wait what you're gonna do vanessa!

I'll be back with my wallpaper (It's harry potter, yeah...and cho chang! buwahaha!)
Eh.. Sorry for the double post but the edit thing was too slow >_>;;

Wallpaper: (click the thumbnail for full-view)

It's very messy, I know! (but it took 4 long hours just to make that >_>;; )



It had nothing to do with each other, I know. ^_^
I'll be back with the avatar ^_^


Here's the avatar:


I know it's katie but LD did say ANYthing.
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Thank you :)

My brother gave me his picture files.He always keep a great pictures for me since he knew that I love to photofiltring (I used to called photofiltring coz I used photofiltre...not photoshop :D)

All the nominees are great banner maker... I can't wait to see their works ;)
Oh my gosh you guys...those are Awesome! Danny, love the theme...sorry I haven't been keeping up with this thread. I have updated my first post...been pretty busy. Y'all are doing great.

And yeah, MGGT. You don't have to POST them all at once :rolleyes: