oh no..another..HIGH SCHOOL

Nikki went out to look around the place since her roomate wasn't there she bump into Rien.
" oh I'm so sorry I wasn't seeing were I was going," she said with a weak smile on her face.
ooc - Konichiwa, Momo-chan! Did I ever show you a picture of Josh? ^-^ I can't remember if I did or not. lol

ic - Josh walked to his room carrying his luggage. When he got there Shane was already there. "Hey! I'm so glad we're roommates. I would've died if I had to share a room with some prep." He laughed.

Shane laughed. "Yeah, me too."

ooc - this is gonna be a weird RPG... we're gonna be talking to ourselves!
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ooc: haha..not for long!

ic: Jay left EMO(her dog) on her bed to sleep while she explored her new school. "Woah.."

heather walked out of her dorm room with her pink chanel doggie purse with lily in it

ooc - i changed my characters a litte bit X] lol Josh now looks like the actual Josh and i'm mad at the guy i know named Matt so i changed his roommate's name to Shane... lol i hope thats okay haha
Hailey kneeled on the floor next to her dresser, shaking. She felt sick. Must've been that sandwich I ate earlier at the restaurant... She began to unpack her clothes. Suddenly the door burst open, and in came Alisha, Hailey's roommate. "Oh, hello," Alisha said glumly, frowning at Hailey's attire. "Um, hello," Hailey said, frowning back up at Alisha. "I'm Hailey... Hailey James."

"Hmph. I'm Alisha Hamilton. Please... don't bother me." She dropped a large pink bag, two denim purses, and a suitcase on her bed.
ooc: ^Awww, you're sooo pretty!!^

ic: Hailey didn't care about Alisha at the moment. She was breathing quickly and she was starting to sweat. Little did she know, she had been food poisoned.