oh no..another..HIGH SCHOOL

She rolled her eyes.
" Yea I guess so," she said watching her roomeat comeing up to them.

Emily smiled at them.
" Hi hi," she said waveing at them.
"Well, I'm gonna go explore the school I guess. You can come if you want." Josh said.

"Okay, I'll come." Shane said following Josh out the door.
Emily smiled.
" I'm Emily Reaily," she said shakeing her hand.

Nikki rolled her eyes.
" she all ways act like this," she told her with a giggle.
She stop by her frist class room.
" OK well frist off this well be my Math class oh joy," she said with a sigh.

Emily came next to them.
ooc - Hmmm...I want one of my guys to be like the guy that all the girls like. I guess Josh will be since he's the less emo looking of the two. So yeah...GIRLS! LIKE HIM! lol X]
OOC: OK have fun then Emily well stair at him all day lol.

She nod.
" I hate math," she said with a frwon.

Emily look at them.
" OK I like it kind of," she said bit her lip.
OOC: OK have fun then Emily well stair at him all day lol.

She nod.
" I hate math," she said with a frwon.

Emily look at them.
" OK I like it kind of," she said bit her lip.

"I'm okay at it, I guess..." Rien muttered. "I hate science, though."

ooc: Alli, would you mind, like, being your charaters? And bumping into us or something??? lol, j/k. Whatever you want...