oh no..another..HIGH SCHOOL

ooc: aighttttt :D
Name: Mollie.
Age: 16
Room Mate: Reggie.

Bio: Mollie is a fighter. She's been hurt many times in her life. She didn't have such a great childhood, but she's decided that she's starting over. Music is her passion.

wow O_O sorry they're so big.

ummm what is going on? [:
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ic: Mollie walked into starbucks and up to the counter. She ordered a cafe mocha and sat down. She whipped out her sidekick and began texting her room mate and best friend, Reggie, to see where she was.
ic: Mollie walked into starbucks and up to the counter. She ordered a cafe mocha and sat down. She whipped out her sidekick and began texting her room mate and best friend, Reggie, to see where she was.

ooc - HAHAHA! I should make Shane like flirt with you o_o MUAHAHA! the fun of playing two guys >=] lol X]
oc: baha O____O you make me giggle with passion girrrrl!
we know each other in person people. im not just being a freaky pervert to her over the internet or anything. we are really friends so i can joke about this kind of stuff. =D
oc: baha O____O you make me giggle with passion girrrrl!
we know each other in person people. im not just being a freaky pervert to her over the internet or anything. we are really friends so i can joke about this kind of stuff. =D

ooc - lmao O_O
i think everybody knows we know eachother in real life X]