New member
Jay slowly swept away so she could go to HotTopic...she hoped or better yet no one would notice she left.
no she really said it. like OH EM GEE. [: fosho she did.
ic: "wow so do you go to shows and stuff? im surprised i haven't seen you before."
"I don't know. Some people say I am but I don't think I am."
ooc - lol ok... btw we don't actually live in the same area that the school is in... its kinda like a boarding school i guess like you live at the school and stuff so uh yeah but ummm er Shane and Josh are from Kentucky so you can just so happen to be from Kentucky too if you want =] lmao
ooc: i knew that but i was thinking that they are aloud of campus?
O____O idk since ive never been to a boarding school. haha
ooc: okay scratch that, then.
"well what are your favorite bands?"
ooc: better?
"Oh, so you're high matinance," she teased.
ooc - lol yeah i guess... except i don't know that many like screamo bands or anything because none of my friends will ever tell me about good screamo bands -_-
ic - "Alesana is probably my most favorite. I also like underOATH, As Cities Burn, and a bunch of other bands."
"Oh, so you're high matinance," she teased.
ooc: BABY CAKES! ill tell you of plenty! [[[:
ic: Mollie smiled. "ahhh. you have great taste in music. just like me" she laughed.
ooc - lol sorry X]
ic - He smiled laughing like ish kinda yeah idk o.o "No, not that I know of. I guess I'm just looking for the right girl."
She grinned. "Well, what's she like? Maybe I could help..."
ooc: [[[: ahh i cant think of anything to say *_____*
ic: Mollie smiled????
ooc: help me out here, talk. O_O
ooc - HAHAHAH! o.o you should seriously say that if a guy ever says that to you X]
ic - "I...I'm not exactly sure. I guess I'll know when I find her." He laughed.