Okay I'm here. Where's Mr. Tumnus?

LadyEm said:
Why thankyou Inkspot, I do believe I will. *holds out teacup eagerly*
LadyEm said:

Now turning to conversation that is proper for a teaparty...

And how is the weather on all the four corners of the earth? ;)

Here it is cloudy, chilly and raining. I do believe I smell snow in the air. Anyone?

Here in Colorado the Sun is shining. As usual... Mid 70's which is a change from the 90's we have grown accustomed to.
70's......take away 32 is 40 and divide by 2 so thats 20 degrees.... that means its been in the 60's over here today and very fair with fair weather clouds. Unfortunately cos of the randoming temps Ive gone cand caught a cold and am currently coughing, sniffing and sneezing all over the place. Dont worry I wont do it over any of the food..... and make sure you dont drink from my teacup!!
Today I am in the beautiful Cayman islands where the sun is shining and I would say it is 90 degrees or a little less. The view from my hotel room window is a stunning vista of blue water with a few wave runners and dive boats bobbing along. Paradise!

Now if I didn't have to go back to work, I could dash out there and get a tan. But at least I can see the ocean through my window ...
Ohhh that sounds nice! I could use a beach right now. Sadly though I am at school in Calgary and the weather is very unpredictable here. As usual it changed overnight from rain to sun. Believe me that isn't bad...in the winter we get "chinooks" which are terrible horrible things.
Its not hot, it's about 12C at the moment, but its not super warm either.
(Chinooks are when the weather changes abruptly...for example, and the most extreme example, is that during the winter when there is a snowstorm, it will suddenly spike to plus 30 with sunshine and then plunge into a rainstorm all in one day. It gives me headaches!)
I am a southern BC girl so I am used to mild weather, rainy winters and warm yet not too hot summers.
waterhogboy said:
Unfortunately cos of the randoming temps Ive gone cand caught a cold and am currently coughing, sniffing and sneezing all over the place. Dont worry I wont do it over any of the food..... and make sure you dont drink from my teacup!!
yeah and after talking to WHB i think i got sent home with the wrong twin because i have a cold too. with all the symptoms of WHB over here minus the sneezing. :p anyway, it's in the mid 80s for the Dallas/Ft Worth area. a nice change from the 100s. and im going to bed.
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I am quite jealous inkspot. I may just have to stalk you now and find out where you are and just get the tan for myself to make you jealous.

tgraveline said:
I may just have to stalk you now and find out where you are and just get the tan for myself to make you jealous.
:mad: That would be appalling!
My husband is here on a business trip, and because of the glorious nature of technology, I am able to work while I am here, too, because I don't have any vacation days available. It's good because I was able to come with him, but bad because I have to look out the window at the beach and wish I were there! I won't complain. At home the view from my office is just the front yard, so this is a nice change of scenery.
It's warm and sunny in good old GB today..I'm betting on a sunny weekend.
Would anyone like a sherry and a piece of toast?
yes, please. i have a few minutes before i dash off to the beach. my office is a little slow today, and i'm taking my lunch hour over by the shore. sweet!
*Rubs wrists were I was tied* Oh, yes, thank you rosy. Here it's sunny and in the 70s. Beautiful! Although if it were a little cooler it'd be superb.
oh yeah! I've never had a Hershey bar..but they sound delish!
I ate mainly sandwiches today. a ham one for brekkie/linch and prawn one for dinner..not very balanced, but I have just had some vitamins..Vit B pills anyone?
how about a chocolate hobnob? (is that how you spell it?) anyway, yeah i heard about those cookies and saw them one time but i've never had 'em.
A hob nob? Delicious!
If Legolas shows up here, don't give her any chocolate until she has confessed to something over in the confessions thread. Thank you. BC, too, for that matter.
Hob nob? I'm not sure I know what you're talking about.
Anywho, I havn't eaten much today, so is there anything substansial (sp?) around here?
Sounds wonderful! Does the term refer to a spacific kind of cookie, or just a cookie in general?

All I have to contribute to the spread right now is pain killers. *headache! Ow!* I'm sure staring at a compy screen is helping...
HobNobs are oat based I think, and have lots of honey in them..The choc coated ones are best because they last longest when dunked in tea