Okay I'm here. Where's Mr. Tumnus?

Who would want to eat a turnip, anyway?

Welcome, Wardwellangie! It's difficult to say what is going on here. I wonder if UL would like a TURNIP TACO?! :p
Fried, that's a splendid idea. I have a lovely recipe for fried green tomoatoes that will work equally well on uber turnip. Let me go get my chef's knife, and we'll get started. :p
You are hearltess rosy. Truly heartless.

(Shhhh.... don't cry little uber turnip. The nasty apple lady doesn't mean it. :mad: )
Yah, a green tomato is just one that hasn't ripened enough to be red yet. We slice them pretty thin, roll them in a nice batter, and fry them, they are very delicious. Who makes a better fried green tomato even than me is that TV chef Emeril? At his restaurant called Delmonicos, he has a DELICIOUS fried green tomato with a kind of spicy sauce ... Or used to have, I haven't been in years. :(

All right, we won't eat the turnip if you're going to cry about it, WHB.
On the other hand...wouldn't it be fun to make a mod cry? (hehehe) I don't like turnips; anybody want to help me slice it up and put it in the shiny trash can? :D :D
Boo! We'll just have to find a new uber veggie for our fantastic fry up. Happy WHB? You've succeeded in delaying tea another hour or 2. Of course it could be more if the uber veggies don't plan on rampaging today. Don't let the growling stomachs get you feeling guilty about making us all STARVE!
inkspot said:
Yah, a green tomato is just one that hasn't ripened enough to be red yet. We slice them pretty thin, roll them in a nice batter, and fry them, they are very delicious. Who makes a better fried green tomato even than me is that TV chef Emeril? At his restaurant called Delmonicos, he has a DELICIOUS fried green tomato with a kind of spicy sauce ... Or used to have, I haven't been in years. :(

All right, we won't eat the turnip if you're going to cry about it, WHB.

I bet I make better ones too :D. not really. But I make mine a little thicker and put a lot of batter on it, that's what usually happens when I grow tomatoes.Oh yeah, one other thing I'd like to say....I shall have the turnip if it's the last thing I do! *starts chanting* cook 'im, mash 'im, put 'im in a stew, cook 'im, mash 'im, put 'im in a stew, cook 'im, mash 'im, put 'im in a stew!
Hmmm...that's an idea. Maybe we could find an uber potato instead. I like potatos better. Although I almost want to fell the stupid turnip just b/c WHB is being such a wuss about it.

In the meantime, anyone want some spinich pizza? I just tried some and it's great!
Pass me a slice, please. Thank you. Delicious. Next time I would sllice the turnip a little thinner ... :p