Person Below Me VI

Nope, I'm actually good at everything but volleyball, basketball and any form of baseball. (Including but not limited to, wiffle ball, kickball and diego ball.)

Tpbm likes popping bubbles of all kinds
They do annoy me a bit…it's like screaming for attention. My particular pet peeve is books that end on cliffhangers in order to push you to buy the next one in the series.

TPBM was afraid of clowns as a child.
Yes, I have a water bottle filled with rocks on one, an air conditioner on another (in the middle of February... shush. xD) and a miniature cactus on the third.

TPBM enjoys getting chocolate (especially on Valentines Day)
Yes. I watched a romantic movie and it made me cry. Now I think I'm going to go watch an action movie.

tpbm likes making homemade Valentines