Glenburne Scourge of Squirreldom Staff member Royal Guard Jun 1, 2015 #15,761 I do attend a Chesterton Society when work allows, but I don't know if you'd call that a club; there's no formal membership. TPBM has used a club.
I do attend a Chesterton Society when work allows, but I don't know if you'd call that a club; there's no formal membership. TPBM has used a club.
Rainshadow New member Jun 7, 2015 #15,765 *Hugs David Tennant* Yes. TPBM has a fan running in their home currently.
Mozart the Meerkitten Well-known member Jun 7, 2015 #15,766 *thinks* Not that I am aware of. However, my air conditioner is running. TPBM has worked at a camp
Rainshadow New member Jun 7, 2015 #15,767 Unless you count VBS as a camp, then no. TPBM has played Minecraft. (I don't know why people are still into that. I need a quest-driven game to keep me going; otherwise it gets boring.)
Unless you count VBS as a camp, then no. TPBM has played Minecraft. (I don't know why people are still into that. I need a quest-driven game to keep me going; otherwise it gets boring.)
Mozart the Meerkitten Well-known member Jun 8, 2015 #15,768 Nope! TPBM thinks bookstore hopping sounds like a good idea (it's like bar-hopping, but with bookstores)
Nope! TPBM thinks bookstore hopping sounds like a good idea (it's like bar-hopping, but with bookstores)
Miss Freckles New member Jun 8, 2015 #15,769 I don't know, there aren't usually as many book stores in one place as bars, right? Also, you need to be able to take your time in a book shop. It's not really like downing a pint and moving on. TPBM is fond of summer rain.
I don't know, there aren't usually as many book stores in one place as bars, right? Also, you need to be able to take your time in a book shop. It's not really like downing a pint and moving on. TPBM is fond of summer rain.
Glenburne Scourge of Squirreldom Staff member Royal Guard Jun 8, 2015 #15,770 Love it. Also walking barefoot on warm wet asphalt. TPBM wishes that dinosaurs were still alive.
Miss Freckles New member Jun 8, 2015 #15,771 Dinosaurs are lame. Dragons are cool. TPBM has made a multi-storeyed cake.
Rainshadow New member Jun 8, 2015 #15,772 Not that I remember... unless you count stacking two sheet cakes on top of each other as multi-story. TPBM likes ravioli.
Not that I remember... unless you count stacking two sheet cakes on top of each other as multi-story. TPBM likes ravioli.
Rainshadow New member Jun 9, 2015 #15,774 It's my name, so obviously. TPBM enjoys dark and gloomy days.
Mozart the Meerkitten Well-known member Jun 9, 2015 #15,775 Not usually. I have to be in a specific mood to really enjoy them. TPBM has a hardcover Lord of the Rings book or book set (I do now )
Not usually. I have to be in a specific mood to really enjoy them. TPBM has a hardcover Lord of the Rings book or book set (I do now )
Dame of Gondor New member Jun 9, 2015 #15,776 I have a collection of LOTR books, but they are not hardcover. I should propbably get hardcover ones soon... TPBM is more of a night person than a morning person
I have a collection of LOTR books, but they are not hardcover. I should propbably get hardcover ones soon... TPBM is more of a night person than a morning person
Mozart the Meerkitten Well-known member Jun 9, 2015 #15,777 Definitely. I am slowly becoming nocturnal. TPBM has had a birthday recently (mine is today )
Dame of Gondor New member Jun 10, 2015 #15,778 No, but Happy belated Birthday!!! TPBM likes birthday cake