Peter Pan

Peter flew into the room in did some flips and cart-wheels in the air. "Hey Tink, boys, I've got an idea! What do you say me and Tink go get Wendy? I'm sure she'd be glad to see us. John and Michelle too."
Peter picked Tinkerbell up by the wings and plopped her down on his other hand. "Come on, Tink. Please come with me. I know she'd love to see you." He gave her the baby-eyed look.
Peter Pan put Tinkerbell up to his cheek in a sort of hug. "Thanks Tink. Well boys, we're off. See you very soon." And with that he and Tink flew off.
Peter was excited. When they finally got to London he went strait to the window. He stopped up short, however, when he saw a strange girl there. He hid on the roof, and looked down at her. "Tink, who's that? Where's Wendy? Go down and see if you can find out where she is." He nudged Tinkerbell towards the window.
Wendy look at Peter with a smiled.
" oh Peter you came back," she said walking closer to him.

John walk out seeing what she was talking to.
"Peter is that you?," he ask with a confuss look on his face.

then little Mikel came running oun.
" is it true it is it si Peter is back," he said jumping up and down they all grow up.
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She smiled and nod.
" yes Peter I am now sixteen I'm all grown up now," she said walking closer to him John watch them behind the window and Mikel did the same.
Peter's feet left the earth as he flew back a ways and landed again. "You're a grown up. Grown ups are no fun." He sighed, "I was hoping to bring the three of you back to Neverland."
She smiled at him.
" oh Peter we would love that ," she said looking at the other two.

Mikel walk up to peter.
" it that true Peter we going back to neverland?," he ask with a big smile on his face.

John pulled up his glasses.
" yes is it Peter can we really go back," he ask with a smile as well then the others.