Peter Pan

Mikel went up to tinkabell with smile.
" come on tink we want to go to NeverLand," he told her with frown.

Wendy hold on John's shoulder
" oh Peter I'm glad you back," she said with a smile on her face.
Peter smiled, completely clueless. "Thanks Tink. Come on everybody, we're off to Neverland!" He jumped into the air, did a wide circle around the others and led them to Neverland.
Wendy smiled and walk around.
" oh Peter we back its like a dream come true," she said looking around.

Mikel did the same the twin ran out of the tree.
" Peter who are they?," they both ask looking at the Darleins.
The twins look at her odd.
" are you OK Tnik?," they both ask then look at Wendy,
then back to tink.
" oh it Wendy," they said together again

Wendy walk over to them.
" hello Boys,' she said rubbing their hair

They smiled at her.
" Hi Wendy glad you came back you look different," they said together.
Peter took Wendy's hand. "Come on, let's go see the rest of the gang. They've really missed all of you." He dragged her to the club house. "Boys! Wendy's here!" Suddenly all the lost boys came swarming in and pushed Wendy to the ground happily.
She laugh.
" I miss all of you to," she said with a giggle trying to get up,
she look around the place it didn't change one bit.
" Oh Peter I know I grow up it didn't mean I change," she said giveing him a kiss on the cheek.
Peter threw the acorn back at Tinkerbell. "Quit it Tink!" He turned back to Wendy. "Huh? OH, yeah of course. Come on." He took her hand and they flew off. They landed on a rock in the middle of Mermaid Lagoon. Peter saw the mermaids. "Hey ladies. Look who's back!" He indicated Wendy.
She put her feet in the water.
" Oh Peter I wish I can live here for ever," she said watching the mermainds come up to her with their web hands out to touch her.

" Hello Wendy welcome back," on of them said getting up on the rock beside of Peter.
She frown.
" But I can't Peter and you know that," she said truning away from him

then they heard a big band from the other side of them
" arr ye blows," the guy said to the crew.

Wendy watch the ship go by them then look at Peter with a confuss look.
Peter looked at the ship and dismissed it. "But why? What's so important about London? Why would you want to grow up? I don't understand. Why'd you come here anyway?"
She place her hands on his face.
" I want to see you peter before it was to late," she told him with a frown

the piarat jump out of his ship.
" arr matie and who is this young lady with you Peter?," he ask walking up to them.