Pirates? Anyone else a pirate? Come on, be a pirate.

OOC: What exactly are you doing, Sean?

With rage burning in his eyes, Olorin rose from the deck of the Dauntless. Raising both sword and staff, he shouted three words. A shaft of silver light speared out from his sword and staff, striking Saruman. The black-clad wizard crumpled to the deck.
Saruman rose to his feet, and glared at Olorin. "Azgar the fool, as you were always called - your impulsiveness will be your end! This will not be our last meeting."
OOC: What exactly are you doing, Sean?

With rage burning in his eyes, Olorin rose from the deck of the Dauntless. Raising both sword and staff, he shouted three words. A shaft of silver light speared out from his sword and staff, striking Saruman. The black-clad wizard crumpled to the deck.

OOC-you shall soon see ;)

IC- That night the Russian front seemed much colder. There was something in the air...something that seemed...so lifeless. The men of the Russian army would never see home again.

A shadow loomed overhead, blotting out the moon for a moment. The Russian soldiers conversed 'round their fires over bottles of watered-down Vodka and bad French jokes.
"What was that?" one said as he glanced up.
"That...was the smell of VICTORY Igore!"
"Something flew overhead."
"Da...Is the Eagle that guards us and ensures our triumph over our enemies."
"Nyet...It was..." Igor gazed upon the cloudy skies. Something wasn't right.
"AAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!" one of the soldiers screamed. A gigantic dragon swooped down upon the camp, setting it ablaze with the unquenchable fires of his wrath. Soon the camp was in dissarray, and Russian soldiers were gobbled up in battalions...:D
Azgar made as if to answer, but then stopped. With a negligent flip of his hand, he sent the Dauntless speeding away from the Endeavour. "Prahaps not," he called back to the enraged Saruman, "but be warned when we do meet again." With that, the Dauntless vanished over the horizon before Saruman's helpless eyes.

OOC: Just wondering - why exactly are you out to get the pirates?
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"No thank you sir..." the sailor replied. She growled underneath her breath...so much for that, she'd just get the unexpecting men on the deck. She backed away and slowly made it down to the deck. She started down to where the cannons were. If she couldn't get to the captain, she could at least get rid of those down manning the cannons before anyone knew what was happening. She made it down to where the men were manning the cannons. She crept behind one unexpecting soldier and stabbed him in the back with her cutlass. The man next to her looked at her with wide eyes. She quickly stabbed him before he could shout. She knew she couldn't get all of them, but she'd have to try. The third man took action, pulling a dagger. He threw it at her, but she ducked behind his neighbor and the knife landed in him. She quickly stabbed the knife thrower. The several men on the end saw what was happening. Fyn ducked in the shadows as the fourth man ran up the stairs to get the captain and was mistaken for the killer. The other men chased after him, and Fyn quickly pulled out her pistol and shot each one that went through the door. She spotted one man, who had not yet gone through, and she knew he saw her. Her eyes lit with anger, and the man's with determination. She tried to fire her pistol, but there was no more amunition. The man took the break to get up to the deck. Fyn knew this could be the end. The man ran onto the deck, shouting. "Pirate below the deck, pirate below the deck!" Fyn quickly ducked into a small crevice underneath the stairs. She quietly DVed Fish.
DV: "Fish..." she didn't know what to say. "This might be the end for me." and that was all she said. She stayed in the shadows awaiting the soldiers to come back. She refilled her pistol and readied her cutlass.
Suddenly Azgar was there! With a blinding flash of silver light, all the sailors lay dead on the ground. "Are you all right?" he asked Fyn.
"I'm fine," she replied. "I wasn't sure how much longer I would have stayed fine, though..."

Several hours later...

Azgar sat on the afterdeck, holding a small mirror. Since all the Dauntless' original sailors had been disposed of, he was now left in peace.
He looked at the mirror. A white mist seemed to form on it. Although anyone looking over his shoulder would have seen nothing but mily-white opacity, what Azgar saw was quite different. A moment later, he spoke.
"Would you care to inform me," he asked acidly, "just exactly what you're doing, Sean?"
IOWW punched a nearby sailor, took his pistol, and used it to shoot another attacking pirate. For the first time since she jumped aboard, she got a glimpse at just how many sailors there were. All around the ship, she would see the ocasional brown or black clad pirate, but mostly everything was blue and yellow. IOWW managed to fight her way through to the cannon hold. Immediately, she heard the sound of 'Pirate below deck!' being shouted.
"Well, that was fast..."

ooc- I believe you're still under the stairs, slp.
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ooc- okay if I wake up now? :

ooc- lol, I think everyone might've forgotten you were aboard...:o
Our ship is currently half-sunk and being fired at by hundreds of british Soldiers.Feel free to wake up whenever.

ic- IOWW fought her way below deck, trying to find the ammunition hold. She stabbed an oncoming sailor in the stomach,
"Where's yer powder room?" she asked him. The man died before he could answer.
"Curses...You!" IOWW grabbed a man by the shirt collar and held him at knife point.
"Where be your powder room?"
"I'm not telling you!" She sliced his throat and threw him to the side as a wave of sailors came at her. IOWW backed up to a hard wooded door, cutlass held out infront of her. The sailors circled around IOWW, all with their swords drawn. She turned her head and looked at the door. In block letters, the words "Powder room" were branded clear above her head. She grinned as she quickly opened the door and ran inside before the sailors all could grab her.
If Twilight were there to see it, she'd have probably died of joy. There were mountains and mountains of gun powder barrels. Cannonballs were stacked in neat pyramids across the way. Soon, the sailors had opened the door, but stopped dead as they saw IOWW with her pistol cocked near the gun powder.
"Take one more step, I dare ye..." She laughed. The men started backing away, and IOWW moved some of the powder into a row to act as a road.
"DOn't...no.."One pleaded. She just smiled as she pulled the trigger and ran (as did every sailor near) out of the room.

ooc- Please, make the big pretty ship go bang. :D

Unfortunately, guys, this'll probably be my last post for a while. I'll be ploaying softball in Colorado for a week, and then I'm going to visit some camily friends. I'll be gone until the 5th.

Tiff, Fish, and Slp: Feel free to use IOWW any way you'd like. You know she usually comes out of these things half dead anyway, so don't be afraid to have her get severely injured while saving someone or something like that...the same thing probably would've happened if I was here. :D
Just try and keep her involved every now and then.

Bye guys! I'll be back on the 5th! Be safe! And God Bless!:)

<3 Chelsea