Fish hit her head in disgust. "Arr...that's's me lies that have ye all confused... Look, I lied to Fyn. We didn't escape from the Wizard, he captured us. Our only chance to git away started by accepting his offer to join him...that's how we ended up with our own ship- the Dauntless. Machia's the Cap'n. But what we didn't expect was that the Wizard would be following us...he be on the Endeavor. We have orders to attack and...and...kill all o' ye...."
Fish hit her head in disgust. "Arr...that's's me lies that have ye all confused... Look, I lied to Fyn. We didn't escape from the Wizard, he captured us. Our only chance to git away started by accepting his offer to join him...that's how we ended up with our own ship- the Dauntless. Machia's the Cap'n. But what we didn't expect was that the Wizard would be following us...he be on the Endeavor. We have orders to attack and...and...kill all o' ye...."
A grim man walked up behind Fish and Machia. His face was twisted, his look was twisted...everything about him was truly twisted, and one could tell immediately this man would sell his soul to betray anybody who stood in the paths of those who paid him most. His name was Mercer, a Yorkshireman of a sturdy build and a good height, standing well above Fish and Machia. He smiled, a fake smile, but a smile nonetheless.
"Fire." That was all he said. Machia scowled and Fish bowed her head low. "What if we decide that we-" Machia was cut short by the cocking of a pistol, as Mercer pointed the weapon at him. "Any other decision is out of the question...Captain!"
Mercer turned about and gazed at the soldiers on deck. "You heard the Captain! OPEN FIRE!"
IOWW had ordered Dead tom to give them whatever sort of weapons they could, and although he was hesitant at first, Tom finally agreed and went to fetch them.
"Put some sailors on Cnanon duty...put anything and everything you can into those cannons once we're out of cannonballs..." She told them," We're in for one wild night..."
IOWW reemerged on deck to find the two ships even closer.
"God help us..." She gripped her chest where her crucifix hung around her neck.
"Adellai..." her father came up behind her,"ye still have that old thing?" he chuckled a bit at the sight of her necklace.
"Of course I gave it to me." She managed to grin for a moment before her frown came back.
"You know, Adi...those two friends of yours sure have caused a lot of trouble..."
"Nah, really?" She replied sarcastically.
"But...that girl...Fish...she did a noble thing just now..."
"What? Warning us of our doom? Of which she caused? Yes father, that's real noble-"
"'re fooling yerself now..." he said sternly," You could tell by her voice she tregretted every decision she and Machia have told me your stories of Nanria-
"-Yes, of course, Narnia...well, in all those stories, you all seemed so close...after the friendship you all had then, I can't see how you could possibly hate eachother...Fish and Machia know their errors...and they want to fix it, but they don't know how..." He turned IOWW's head so she faced him,"What's happened has happened...if we all die tonight, then so be it. That's how it be willed, not how they want it to be..." IOWW paused for a moment before embracing her father in a huge hug.
"I love you." She said into his coat.
"I love you too Adellai." He pulled away and wiped a tear from her eye," I know you'll be alright."
ooc- Had to have some touching father, daughter moments.![]()
ooc- ok, now that was just completely precious!!!I love it!
I don't think I've ever apologized to ye," Aravis told IOWW. The both stood waiting anxiously for the Dauntless to come nearer. "Jest wanted to tell ye that I'd be proud to die alongside ye as me First Mate."
A fire was heard coming from Olorin's ship. "I thought ye told 'em to wait fer a signal?!" Aravis said. She looked over to where the Dauntless was and with a blink of an eye they were about 200 feet away from them. "They be getting nearer. Let git into position. I'll DV ye when its time to shoot."