Pirates? Anyone else a pirate? Come on, be a pirate.

It be too late fer that now. There's not much we can do. At least, if I die, I'll die an honest Cap'n and pirate in the eyes of me crew! I be'er not git me hands on ye or machia, because if I do..." Aravis took a deep breath and stood silent...
Fish hit her head in disgust. "Arr...that's right...it's me lies that have ye all confused... Look, I lied to Fyn. We didn't escape from the Wizard, he captured us. Our only chance to git away started by accepting his offer to join him...that's how we ended up with our own ship- the Dauntless. Machia's the Cap'n. But what we didn't expect was that the Wizard would be following us...he be on the Endeavor. We have orders to attack and...and...kill all o' ye...."
IOWW put her hand on Aravis's shoulder.
"Nevermind that Cap'n...we have more important things to worry about than revenge..."

Fish hit her head in disgust. "Arr...that's right...it's me lies that have ye all confused... Look, I lied to Fyn. We didn't escape from the Wizard, he captured us. Our only chance to git away started by accepting his offer to join him...that's how we ended up with our own ship- the Dauntless. Machia's the Cap'n. But what we didn't expect was that the Wizard would be following us...he be on the Endeavor. We have orders to attack and...and...kill all o' ye...."

IOWW put her palm to her face and shook her head,
"I hope it was worth it, Fish." She said sadly. The ships were now getting nearer, so near that they were almost within firing range.
"Cap'n, we've no time to doddle...I'll go below deck and warn the sailors." IOWW quickly ran below deck to recruit the sailors to fight, ending her conversation with Fish.
Fish hit her head in disgust. "Arr...that's right...it's me lies that have ye all confused... Look, I lied to Fyn. We didn't escape from the Wizard, he captured us. Our only chance to git away started by accepting his offer to join him...that's how we ended up with our own ship- the Dauntless. Machia's the Cap'n. But what we didn't expect was that the Wizard would be following us...he be on the Endeavor. We have orders to attack and...and...kill all o' ye...."

So that's what ye two 'ave done? Led them straight to us? Very sweet of ye Fish...or shall I say sour since that's what ye've been to me fer the last couple of weeks. If ye'd be in the right state o' mind ye would turn yer ship around giving us time to git away....but I doubt ye will do that.
IOWW ran down below and yelled for everyone to stop," Boys... I've gotsome bad news..."
The sailors looked at eachother and waited for her to continue, " We are currently being followed by two Navy ships...both intend on blowing us out of the water...if you ever want to see land again, I'm going to have to ask you to fight with us..."
The men were hesitant, and began talking amongst themselves.
"I didn't know this would happen...we have some extra weapons, and we need some swing men to swing over to the Navy ship...we have a plan, and if it succeeds, then you'll all see land again."
All the men thought for a moment in silence. Then, the scrawny, skinny man stood up," If the Navy are trying to kill us, then I don't knwo who else to trust...I might aswell fight with you."
Another man stood up, "Aye."
followed by another, and another, until all of them were standing up.
"I'm sorry this ended up like this, boys..." She told them," but it's out of my hands..."
"Cap'n...IOWW..." Fish pleaded silently. But there was no response. She just stood there and stared into the ocean. "Aslan, will YE fergive me?" Fish silently whispered. But there was no warm breeze, no sudden ray of sunlight, no voice in her ear. Both she and Machia just stood there, the gravity of the situation resting fully on their shoulders. They knew it was all their fault. Finally Fish repeated, "well...what now?"
A grim man walked up behind Fish and Machia. His face was twisted, his look was twisted...everything about him was truly twisted, and one could tell immediately this man would sell his soul to betray anybody who stood in the paths of those who paid him most. His name was Mercer, a Yorkshireman of a sturdy build and a good height, standing well above Fish and Machia. He smiled, a fake smile, but a smile nonetheless.

"Fire." That was all he said. Machia scowled and Fish bowed her head low. "What if we decide that we-" Machia was cut short by the cocking of a pistol, as Mercer pointed the weapon at him. "Any other decision is out of the question...Captain!"

Mercer turned about and gazed at the soldiers on deck. "You heard the Captain! OPEN FIRE!"
"Everyone outside!" Aravis yelled in the kitchen. Both Lu and Kris looked at each other worried. "I want ye all to line up against the starboard. I want a group of ye to stand over thar on top. Ye fire when I give the command to do so. As soon as we're side to side with the ship, those that are on top will swing over to the next ship and so on...remember the rules of weapons when fighting...." Aravis told a group of pirates. They were about to recite the rules but Aravis cut them off. "..and be careful when yer over there...we'll shooting our cannons at the same time...I wouldn't want to lose any of ye, but the horrible truth is, I will probably lose some of ye and ye will probably lose me."
A grim man walked up behind Fish and Machia. His face was twisted, his look was twisted...everything about him was truly twisted, and one could tell immediately this man would sell his soul to betray anybody who stood in the paths of those who paid him most. His name was Mercer, a Yorkshireman of a sturdy build and a good height, standing well above Fish and Machia. He smiled, a fake smile, but a smile nonetheless.

"Fire." That was all he said. Machia scowled and Fish bowed her head low. "What if we decide that we-" Machia was cut short by the cocking of a pistol, as Mercer pointed the weapon at him. "Any other decision is out of the question...Captain!"

Mercer turned about and gazed at the soldiers on deck. "You heard the Captain! OPEN FIRE!"

Fish felt like she was going to be sick. The train wreck - or ship wreck, for that matter - was about to happen, and she and Machia were basically helpless... With a probably foolish burst of courage, she raised her head and DVed the ship. "The first one o' ye to open fire on any ship 'cept the Endeavor'll be tasting me cutlass, savvy?" She said, drawing her cutlass to add emphasis. Machia followed suit.
IOWW had ordered Dead tom to give them whatever sort of weapons they could, and although he was hesitant at first, Tom finally agreed and went to fetch them.
"Put some sailors on Cnanon duty...put anything and everything you can into those cannons once we're out of cannonballs..." She told them," We're in for one wild night..."

IOWW reemerged on deck to find the two ships even closer.
"God help us..." She gripped her chest where her crucifix hung around her neck.
"Adellai..." her father came up behind her,"ye still have that old thing?" he chuckled a bit at the sight of her necklace.
"Of course I do...you gave it to me." She managed to grin for a moment before her frown came back.
"You know, Adi...those two friends of yours sure have caused a lot of trouble..."
"Nah, really?" She replied sarcastically.
"But...that girl...Fish...she did a noble thing just now..."
"What? Warning us of our doom? Of which she caused? Yes father, that's real noble-"
"Adellai...you're fooling yerself now..." he said sternly," You could tell by her voice she tregretted every decision she and Machia have made...you told me your stories of Nanria-
"-Yes, of course, Narnia...well, in all those stories, you all seemed so close...after the friendship you all had then, I can't see how you could possibly hate eachother...Fish and Machia know their errors...and they want to fix it, but they don't know how..." He turned IOWW's head so she faced him,"What's happened has happened...if we all die tonight, then so be it. That's how it be willed, not how they want it to be..." IOWW paused for a moment before embracing her father in a huge hug.
"I love you." She said into his coat.
"I love you too Adellai." He pulled away and wiped a tear from her eye," I know you'll be alright."

ooc- Had to have some touching father, daughter moments.:D

ic- IOWW and her father quickly ran to the captain. Fish, Machia, and an ugly looking man could be seen aboard one of ships, cutlasses drawn.
"And so it begins..." She said as she pulled her pistol.
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IOWW had ordered Dead tom to give them whatever sort of weapons they could, and although he was hesitant at first, Tom finally agreed and went to fetch them.
"Put some sailors on Cnanon duty...put anything and everything you can into those cannons once we're out of cannonballs..." She told them," We're in for one wild night..."

IOWW reemerged on deck to find the two ships even closer.
"God help us..." She gripped her chest where her crucifix hung around her neck.
"Adellai..." her father came up behind her,"ye still have that old thing?" he chuckled a bit at the sight of her necklace.
"Of course I do...you gave it to me." She managed to grin for a moment before her frown came back.
"You know, Adi...those two friends of yours sure have caused a lot of trouble..."
"Nah, really?" She replied sarcastically.
"But...that girl...Fish...she did a noble thing just now..."
"What? Warning us of our doom? Of which she caused? Yes father, that's real noble-"
"Adellai...you're fooling yerself now..." he said sternly," You could tell by her voice she tregretted every decision she and Machia have made...you told me your stories of Nanria-
"-Yes, of course, Narnia...well, in all those stories, you all seemed so close...after the friendship you all had then, I can't see how you could possibly hate eachother...Fish and Machia know their errors...and they want to fix it, but they don't know how..." He turned IOWW's head so she faced him,"What's happened has happened...if we all die tonight, then so be it. That's how it be willed, not how they want it to be..." IOWW paused for a moment before embracing her father in a huge hug.
"I love you." She said into his coat.
"I love you too Adellai." He pulled away and wiped a tear from her eye," I know you'll be alright."

ooc- Had to have some touching father, daughter moments.:D

ooc- ok, now that was just completely precious!!! :D I love it!
I don't think I've ever apologized to ye," Aravis told IOWW. The both stood waiting anxiously for the Dauntless to come nearer. "Jest wanted to tell ye that I'd be proud to die alongside ye as me First Mate."
"FIRE!!" Sean shouted. Muskets resounded on the battlefield, and cries in French filled the air...

The Numenoreans and Prussians were spaced in a staggered formation to counter the solid lines of French troops. The battle grew fierce. The French charged with bayonettes shining, crashing into the defender's ranks. Sean drew his sword and slashed through a clump of French soldiers, hewing many in his awsome wrath.
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I don't think I've ever apologized to ye," Aravis told IOWW. The both stood waiting anxiously for the Dauntless to come nearer. "Jest wanted to tell ye that I'd be proud to die alongside ye as me First Mate."

"Nevermind titles right now, Cap'n. If we die tonight...I'll be dying next to one of me best mates...that be more important." IOWW looked sadly at the Dauntless (ooc- That's the one they're on, right?)," Sadly, we'll be two mates short."
A fire was heard coming from Olorin's ship. "I thought ye told 'em to wait fer a signal?!" Aravis said. She looked over to where the Dauntless was and with a blink of an eye they were about 200 feet away from them. "They be getting nearer. Let git into position. I'll DV ye when its time to shoot."
A fire was heard coming from Olorin's ship. "I thought ye told 'em to wait fer a signal?!" Aravis said. She looked over to where the Dauntless was and with a blink of an eye they were about 200 feet away from them. "They be getting nearer. Let git into position. I'll DV ye when its time to shoot."

"Aye." IOWW quickly ran below deck and shouted for the gunners to ready the guns.
"Prepare for battle, mates!" She shouted around the ship, before finally standing,waiting, for battle. IOWW blessed herself as she pulled out her pistols.
ooc: The Dauntless it is indeed! :)

ic: The cannons of the Dauntless opened fire, immediately pelting Aravis' ship. Those aboard the vessel were knocked off their feet as the cannon fire began to rock the ship.

Meanwhile, Fish and Machia desperately wanted to do something, anything, not only to convey to their friends that they wanted no part in this treachery, but also to find a way to stop the Dauntless, to stop Beckett, to stop Saruman. James Norrington, meanwhile, regarded the scene from his position on the deck, watching Mercer follow closely by Machia and Fish. What am I doing here? Is this why I've become an admiral, to defy and to betray innocent people? He stood there almost dumbfounded, thinking of what was happening, of what indeed was taking place in the world he had ever known.

Saruman and Beckett continued to watch...then, finally, Beckett walked back down and ordered the crew to begin opening light fire upon their prey. "Let the Dauntless do the hard work. Signal to the other vessels in the fleet to circle the pirates' ship - none of them are to escape this day!"
Machia glanced behind his shoulder. "No!" He said under his breath.
Fish noticed his aggravation. "Matey, what is it?" she asked.
"Fish they can't hear what we're saying. I think they think we're rallyin' the crew... They're gettin' into an attackin' position."

Fish looked at her cutlass as if it was a deadly poison. "Arr...maybe this'll give 'em a hint as to where our loyalties lie," she said fiercely. "Mates, open fire on the Endeavour now!" she DVed the whold crew.
"IOWW NOW! OPEN FIRE!" Aravis said. But before finishing her sentence Olorin's ship (that's what it shall be called for now) took a hit from the Dauntless. Aravis gave the command for those who were on the highest surface of the ship to start shooting. She motioned for those on deck to stay in their places. "Wait, 'til we git a bit closer," she yelled.