Malaci thought to himself for a moment.
If I could survive weeks underwater without a single breath, why shouldn't I be able to face death and come out just fine...
He pulled out a cracker and took a bite, the taste was so bitter he had to spit it out. Saliva and black powdered stuff flew out onto the deck, it was ash. Malaci's mouth felt dry, so he pulled out the small canteen he had with him and took a swig of it, but it just didn't quench his thirst, he took another one, still just as thirsty as before. He finally poured the entire thing down, yet it was as if he had been drinking air, dry air. He stuff the rest of the cracker and the canteen back into his cloak.
"Uh, if I may suggest, I'm not the best cannon operator, and if the battle calls for it, I want to fight face to face... may I?" Malaci pondered.
"Also, I think I need to change my name, after all, a wizard in the human world probably wouldn't go well with most people... I was thinking Bartholomew Roberts."
EDIT: Bartholomew heard the request by QA48, and replied. "Sure, they won't last forever though." He held out his staff and called out a word in Elvish, nothing seemed to happen, but he turned around to the captain and said, "That should do it."