*on hearing about your aneversary (sp) fern ran into this thread to congratulate you and then quickly run back to the Inklings*
*The wizard appeared aboard the ship, or at least it would seem to be an image of the wizard. Instead of his glorious robes of many colors, he appeared in robes of simple white. Nowadays he found such vestments common, but the occasion was a unique and a glorious one*
I never thought I would join in celebration with my enemies, once my friends. But alas, I find that this is a momentous occasion indeed. Two years already...and may we yet have many more years of glorious skirmishes and battles!
a chill air swept across teh ship. Teh light grew dim...and then...
Out stepped a familiar figure.
"Hi there." He smiled @ Aravis.
ooc: Capn'! GKON! Saruman! It is old home day on the ship! Big bone crunching HUUUGGGS for all! :
ic: "Arr Capn', this mornin's plunderin' and pillaging went right well. We left the Willianites with a handsome ransom fer our famous prisoner, and the Twilight thread was left in no doubt as to who The Twilight Terror is! Where shall we invade next mateys?"
Says "Ahoy" to Saruman in a small and rather grouchy voice.
ooc: Well, he did turn her evil... But they had fun doing it.![]()
Machia appeared suddenly beside Sean... He took a bite from the apple he held in one hand while the other hand pointed a pistol at Sean's head... "Arrrrr, Sean yer takin' up half the deck with yer location... If it be gettin' in anyone's way, I'll be removin' it the hard way..." ooc: All in character Sean
ic: The First Mate gave a short laugh and tossed his apple high into the air and it went flying clear across the deck... The next second Machia teleported to the other end of the deck and shot a hole clear through the half eaten piece of fruit, and caught it before it hit the deck... He gave a hearty laugh and spied the Cap'n...
"ARRR! Cap'n... 2 years since we came to Narnia eh? Arrrr... Don't it seem like only yesterday?"
Aye, I remember our morning raids over at the Knight's fort. Good ol' times. Good ol' times," she said. She finished braiding her hair placed a hat with a big red feather on her head. She had found it in her chest earlier in the day and remembered it was part of a stolen booty from a village nearby the Knight's Castle. "I wonder whose hat this was?" she thought.
Aye, I remember our morning raids over at the Knight's fort. Good ol' times. Good ol' times," she said. She finished braiding her hair placed a hat with a big red feather on her head. She had found it in her chest earlier in the day and remembered it was part of a stolen booty from a village nearby the Knight's Castle. "I wonder whose hat this was?" she thought.
"Gar... wait a bit..." Machia said fumbling in his own pockets... "I've got a bit of the past here meself..." Finally after a few minutes of searching and after quite a few apples had been removed from his pockets The First Mate pulled out a folded up stack of grubby papers... But they turned out to be a lot of drawings done by Kyn of the crew, the ship, the Knight's fortress, and all the lands they'd visited... "Arrr... Here be a trip down memory lane fer ye...""Arr...doesn't really matter now, it's ours." IOWW said as she pulled out a fancy looking pocket watch, "I remmber taking this beauty from earth...bet I could get a sweet penny for this one here." IOWW grinned, "I miss pillaging, we should do it mroe often."
ooc- *hugtackleglomp's Tiff*
Machia chewed thoughtfully on his apple, a slight scowl on his face, and his feet up on a nearby crate... "Arrrrr, 'though... If I be rememberin' correctly, the Knights considered our raids more causes fer amusement then a cause fer terror... But I guess in all fairness we didn't be havin' very much order t'all back then... Not that I'll say anythin' 'gainst Cap'n Jimmy, but ye have to admit we got a bit more orderly once the FF was created..." The First Mate picked up his mug of apple cider and toasted them... "To ye mates..."
"Gar... wait a bit..." Machia said fumbling in his own pockets... "I've got a bit of the past here meself..." Finally after a few minutes of searching and after quite a few apples had been removed from his pockets The First Mate pulled out a folded up stack of grubby papers... But they turned out to be a lot of drawings done by Kyn of the crew, the ship, the Knight's fortress, and all the lands they'd visited... "Arrr... Here be a trip down memory lane fer ye..."
((Aye, hugs for all indeed!c: We've had very fun times, and made some awesome memories I know I'll never forget. You've all been very dear friends, and I couldn't imagine this RPG without you.
Alright...back to being grumpy Saruman :
I recall the glory days...back when the Twilight Terror truly BECAME a Terror to the great Saruman's enemies. *Sighs* Glory days! But more are sure to come! And let's not forget our long-gone Duffer friends! When they'd sneak around...try to steal my staff...fun times! *At this thought the Wizard snorted*
((Aye, hugs for all indeed!ooc: We've had very fun times, and made some awesome memories I know I'll never forget. You've all been very dear friends, and I couldn't imagine this RPG without you.
Alright...back to being grumpy Saruman))
I recall the glory days...back when the Twilight Terror truly BECAME a Terror to the great Saruman's enemies. *Sighs* Glory days! But more are sure to come! And let's not forget our long-gone Duffer friends! When they'd sneak around...try to steal my staff...fun times! *At this thought the Wizard snorted*
"Wow...no kidding..." IOWW stared, mouth agape, at the papers.
"I remember Kyn and his crazy antics...and his love affairs...Ha, he was a good guy...I miss him." she sighed," Whatever happened to him?"
"Arrr... I remember Saruman's ignoble capture particularly vividly. As well as his refusal to accept food from his enemies, even Applo's lovely chocolate chip cookies. Arrr... if ye hadn't sneaked out somehow likely we'd've had to have Sean hold ye down while we shoveled applesause down yer throat..." Twilight grinned. "Now that would be a memory worth makin..."
"Apolo! That's another matey I miss..." IOWW sighed.
I say we have a moment of silence for those pirates (Rangers, Isengarders, Knights, etc.) who are no longer with us ( Not that they're dead, but you know, the ones who've been gone for a long time...)
Gabe (I've seen him around, but not recently)
Basically all the Knights
I know I'm forgetting people...anyone care to fill in some blanks?
EDIT: Haha, gosh, that was so much fun. The good ol' glory days.![]()