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Of the topic: Emmy, are yeh talkin to me, eh?

Emmy stared at her in disbelief, "Can ye really be caring about rifles at a time like this!!! We need to abandon ship!!!!!"
"These pirates," Azgar muttered to himself, "don't seem to feel secure without weapons..."
The first lifeboat was cast off, with a load of rifles and gunpowder in it. Several people made ready to leap in.
"These pirates," Azgar muttered to himself, "don't seem to feel secure without weapons..."
The first lifeboat was cast off, with a load of rifles and gunpowder in it. Several people made ready to leap in.
"I hope you're bringing gunpowder for that..." Azgar told her.
"Just saying something to relieve the monotony..." Azgar said to no one in particular. "After all, things get boring when there's nothing to worry about but evil wizards and massive hurricanes..."
is this the RGP you were talking about Dan? i hope it is. in fact, is this an RGP at all?
ooc: Oh yeah, that was fun... What was that, the anniversary of the Pirates start or something?