Pirates Of The Caribbean - At World's End

I know a thread like this was started already, but this one is a little different: I think it would be cool if we played out the story of the last installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean, which is called "At World's End". So here's a list of characters you can be (the first person to claim it takes the part):

Captain Jack Sparrow taken by: narnia+north
William Turner taken by: EFC 4Ever
Elizabeth Swann taken by: NikkitaTheJust
Commodore Norrington
Governor Swann taken by: CaptainJackSparrow
Captain Barbossa taken by: office
Pintel ("hello poppet" guy) taken by: King of Narnia
Ragetti (pirate with the fake eye) taken by: Fender Stratocoaster
Creepy Dark-Skinned Lady taken by: Jill Pole Queen of Narnia
William "Bootstrap Bill" Turner taken by: Protofan

You can also claim the part of a random pirate on Barbossa's ship. Here's some:

Mufflit Crabspine - a pirate of Davy Jones's crew, responsible for watching over the cannons during battle.

Sergeo Hammerhead - a pirate of Davy Jones's crew, responsible for managing the sails and lookout tower.

Trevell Seagrass - another pirate of Davy Jones's crew, responsible for overseeing the beatings of crew members that have stepped out of line.

I won't give a lot of detail because I want you guys to be imaginative about your character. Just take one and elaborate on their pasts and daily agendas, etc.
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FangOfTheBasilisk said:
I know a thread like this was started already, but this one is a little different: I think it would be cool if we played out the story of the last installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean, which is called "At World's End". So here's a list of characters you can be (the first person to claim it takes the part):

Captain Jack Sparrow
William Turner
Elizabeth Swann taken by: NikkitaTheJust
Commodore Norrington
Governor Swann
Captain Barbossa
Pintel ("hello poppet" guy)
Ragetti (pirate with the fake eye)

You can also claim the part of a random pirate on Barbossa's ship.

Would anyone mind if I took the part of Governor Swann?
I'll play Pintel.
Since there's no offical template for made-up characters, I'll just make up my own.:p

Name: Samuel Jones (with twin sister Sarah)
Age: 13
Gender: Male (male of a male/female set of twins)
Canon Relations?: Son (and daughter) of Davy Jones
Personality: Samuel's an outdoorsy, a boy with a sense of great adventure and a love for the sea. He's usually a calm and collective, but tends to act before he thinks. He's protective of his younger sister Sarah, who's similar to him. Sarah loves the outdoors as well, and the sea, and hates society's view that girls should practically "worship" the ground men stand on. She tends to dress in male's clothing rather than dresses, but is still petite and such at the same time.
History: The legends say that Davy Jones had fallen in love with a woman who's personality was like the sea, always changing at every moment. This woman's name was Agnes Winchcombe, the daughter of a well-to-do family in Port Royal. When Davy disappeared, he'd left Agnes pregnant, and she would've been the disgrace of her family and such--not only because her child would be bastards, but that the father was of lowly status.

Agnes would've committed suicide, but she knew that those who did would be condemned, so she took the only alternative and fled. Agnes managed to board a ship heading to the English colonies, and her ship landed in Boston. There, she lived in secrecy and gave birth to twins, a son and daughter. Agnes named them Samuel and Sarah, with their father's surname, and they lived in the city for the first several years of the twins' lives.

But Samuel and Sarah both had cursed blood, and it was evident in their behaviour and appearance. Both were ghastly pale, with darkest hair and lusterless blue eyes, and they both loved the sea, just as much as Davy did. When Agnes felt they were too much to handle, she had them board a ship and remove themselves back to Port Royal. People had seemed to have forgotten Agnes Winchcombe and her forbidden affair, and Agnes thought they could all live peacefully.

But eventually she died, and Samuel and Sarah were left to their own accord. Both decided to pursue their careers as pirates, and both have been apprentices in the profession ever since.
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