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Eight hundred something. I know it was like an eight number. LOL

Pretty sure it's 882...
what side was the anchor dropped on in the beginning?
Pretty sure it's 882...
what side was the anchor dropped on in the beginning?
It was dropped on the starboard side (right side for all ye landlovers)
to Elindil: it was during the fight with Jack in the blacksmith shop, right after this line:
"Or, perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you've already found one, and are otherwise encapable of wooing said strumpet. You're not a eunuch are you?"
"I practice three hours a day so that when I meet a pirate, < (tattoo spotting after this part> I can kill it!"
And yes, the number of gold pieces in the stone chest were "882 identical pieces they delivered in a stone chest to Cortez himself."
Aravis you're amazing. You're a true fan
When asked what it was that 'vexed all men', what was one of the other answers given by the crew that wasn't the sea or a woman?'s my weird way of memorizing film lines the first time. (don't ask; it's a weird gift)
I'm assuming this is from POTC 2.
It means you're highly intelligent actually. But we all knew this.
Yah yah,'s from POTC 2.
Umm dunno their formal name but if those had his seal and signature on it then it would free Will and Lizzie from their death sentence.
Easy one- what does JS give Tia Dalma (is that her name?) so she'd help him?