~Pirates of the Caribbean movie trivia~

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Wow, I like PoTC but I'm not obsessive enough to answer those questions! I mean, I've only seen it like three times and I don't have the dvd or anything.
QueenAravis48 said:
Two unfortunate pirates and an extra rope for the next one to be hung.

What did Norrington tell jack when he's about to shake his hand after rescuing Elizabeth?

"had a brush with the east india trading company, did we?" it goes on, but that's the geist.
question: when Elizabeth entered the last fight, what weapon was she weilding?
Captain Jack Sparrow.

Elizabeth was weilding a um, looked like a closet hanger thing, but I don't know if that's it or not. Sorry, I don't know the official name of it. Someone else ask a question, I don't have one to ask.
Aravis of Archenland said:
The Interceptor. Um, Question: "What did Orlando Bloom say concerning sword fighting?"
what do you mean? him as an actor, or the character? and i think what elizabeth used was a large golden poll/staff thing. no question this time.