~Pirates of the Caribbean movie trivia~

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.:~NikkitaTheJust~:. said:
i think they're tentacles! lol yeah
this is a PoTC 2 question but what does E.I.C stand for? (its like on the bottom of that cup of paprika Captain Jack has)

Doesn't it stand for like Eastern India Company? I haven't seen the movie though, I'm taking it from the first film.
Captain, if I remember the line correctly: (Gov. Swan) "Actually, I uh, had hoped you might wear for the ceremony today." (Elizabeth) "Ceremony?"
Gov. Swan: "Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony."
Elizabeth: "I knew it!"
Gov. Swan: "Commodore, as he's about to become."
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Aravis of Archenland said:
Ok...here's a question: Question: What did Barbossa say concerning the gold piece that Elizabeth (which technically was Will's) owned?

which part? when she first appears on the ship? or while they're eating?
he has two braids on his chin...one beaded one on one side...and on the otherside above his bandana....he has another one...so four? im not too sure so someone help...
Apple_Of_Life29 said:
he has two braids on his chin...one beaded one on one side...and on the otherside above his bandana....he has another one...so four? im not too sure so someone help...

That's all I know of. Your turn, Apple.
sounds right to me.
new question- which pirate is shot when they're (the pirates) seeing if the curse was broken?
did that make sense? it sounded right in my head...