Playing in the Queen of Hearts' Castle

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"You know what," Alice said, "I don't even know what I mean. Let's go."
Peter looked even more confused. "What?"
"Just don't listen to me, Peter," Alice said. "I'm not even making sense to myself. Let's get going."
"Okay....." Peter said, still as confused as ever.
* Hannah and Edmund walked with TOJ*

Me: Sis we have a real wedding when the ours are here
Edmund: Yeah, she wanted to wait for the others.
TOJ: Ah, I see well you two are Married right?
Me: Yes, But we still have a real wedding when everyone is here.
Sam: But why are we going to the land of Croquets?
Rabbit *laughs*: You mean the Croquet land!
Sam *blushes*: Welll.....I guess that's what I mean
Rabbit: There is a legend telling about the four crystals. The magic crystals. It says the beauty of each crystal is so clear your life will be filled with joy if you have seen them all. And it will bring fortune to married couples
Sam: Ah...I see! But why should you visit these crystals if you are already happy? You don't need them to be happy?
Rabbit: Of course not! It's only a tale and if you can only get fortune or a blessed life by looking at those crystals then there is something wrong. But the idea of visting other places is fun and the crystals must be very beautiful anyway

Sam looks around. Merry and Pippin look at him

Merry: What is it Sam?
Sam: Look at those flowers.....they are so bright. I wonder why they grow so fast
Pippin: How do you know they grow fast?
Merry: He is a gardener Pip
Pip: I know that but I mean how does he know if they do grow so fast? He just came here a couple of minutes ago
Sam: Look at those other flowers....they haven't bloomed yet while they are in the same field. They are not that old. Looking at them I think they are only 1 or 2 days old but look...some haven't bloomed and some already did
Rabbit: That's because the evil spell is over now. Everything turns back to normal and even better. And don't forget...this is Wonderland
Rabbit: These people have no idea how to play croquet but I do
Sam: A duck? A purple duck?
Merry: A white Rabbit and a Purple Duck
Pippin: And a hockeyplayer
Eric: And three hobbits
* Hannah and the others where still walking it been hour since they been walking*

Me: Ahh I'm so tired of walking!
TOJ: We all most there sis look there is Mum and dad!
Me: Oh, good we are all most there.

* Hannah made a weird sound*

TOJ: Are you OK sis?
Me: Yes, just ahh need something to drink.

* TOJ gives here some water*

Me: Oh, thanks sis you the best
TOJ: I know I am.
Me: Mum Dad over her and Sam?!
ooc: Hannah, my tdl parents are RF and GKon i count you as a long relationship sister :p

Caspian: Who is frodo
Toj: You don't know who frodo is???

Sam: Frodo has been gone a long time ago. He is at Valinor
Me: What are you doing here?
Hannah: Me and Edmund want to have a big wedding party so if you don't mind
Merry: YES!!!
Rabbit: We can always go to Croquet Land after the wedding
Eric: That's right
Merry: Maybe you two lovebirds can redo your marriage in front of a bigger audience
Pippin: Yep...let's party!!!!!

Soon everybody is ready to watch Edmund and Hannah getting married
* Hannah laughed*

Me: Silly sis of course he doesn't only us do.
TOJ: Oops I for got that your from another book my bad
Caspian: What huh?
Me: She mean oh, never mind come on you two lets go see what they are up to.
caspina: we don't need to get married again right?
Toj: Well, i did want..
Caspian: Look! we're married, its done, now to get Alice and Peter..
Toj: body should here our plan.

Everyone looks at them.
Sam: So you are a hockeyplayer?
Eric: Yes I am
Sam: What's hockey?
Eric: A wintergame
Sam: I have never seen it
Eric: That's possible because in your world it doesn't exist I think
Sam: Can you teach me?
Eric: Of course I can

Eric explains Sam the rules about hockey and he plays hockey with both Merry and Pippin.

Eric: Do you wanna join my team Sam?
Sam: Well I would love to
Eric: Nessa darling can you help Sam to get the right things?
Me: Okay....come on Sam

Nessa dresses Sam like a hockeyplayer.

Me: This will fit you
Sam: Will you cheer for me?
Me: Of course I will!
Sam: I don't mean to be rude because you would cheer for your husband of course
Me: Come on sam! Don't worry about it!

Sam looks so innocent and funny Nessa gives him a kiss on his cheek

Me: Come on Sam! Get those two silly hobbit friends of yours!!
* Hannah and Nassa gets her dress*

Me: Oh, Mum I can't beleave I'm getting married to a King
Nassa: I know sweet heart you two are ment to be together.
Me: I know oh, I'm scared though.
ooc: ToJ you are soooo funny! :D

The cat swishes his tail back and forth, watching Alice and Peter. He grins and then disapears.......
"I hate it when he does that!" Alice said.
"Why?" asked Peter.
Alice rolled her eyes. "Because he always reappears in the least expected place and scares you half to death!"
Ooic: Caspian...stop it!!! :p

Nessa helps Hannah after cheering for her team

Me: You will look great. Now you are Mrs Edmund Pevensie
Hannah: I can't believe I'm a queen!!
Me: You will get used to it soon enough darling
Hannah: I'm so nervous
Me: Don't worry you will be fine!
Me: I hope you are right Mum
Nassa: I know I'm right sweet heart now come on Edmund is waiting for you
Me: OK here we go

* Walks down the Aile with Mr. Coker*

Rabbit: Do you Hannah take Edmund?
Me: I do.
Rabbit: Edmund do you take Hannah?
Edmund: I do
The superhero Grey Eagle comes flying to the Hearts castle, where he reveals himself to be none other than Copperfox, known to Hannah as her Uncle Joe. When the time comes for dancing at the wedding reception [OOC--adjust the time of this post as may be needed] he dances with his niece right after her first dance with her new husband. As they gracefully whirl around the floor, Uncle Joe shares good news with Hannah:

"You can tell Alice and the others that not only will the Snow Queen NOT make any more trouble for Wonderland ever again--she is now on the side of GOOD! After Aslan put the fear of death into her, she began reconsidering
the way she had lived; and after some intermediate events, she was led to a saving faith in Aslan--you, know, Jesus--by my pal Emmett! She's VERY sorry for all the evil she did before, and grateful that Aslan undid so much of the harm she caused. I may soon be dancing at HER wedding, to Emmett!"

As the dance ends, Uncle Joe gives Hannah a G-rated hug, or Gug. Then he resumes the form of Grey Eagle, telling her, "I have a mission to undo one more piece of the former harm. I'm going in search of the skua that was a scout for the Snow Queen, to try to bring him over to the good side also. In fact, I already did some searching before I came to join you. I didn't find him yet; but on a remote ocean island which doesn't seem ever to have been inhabited, I found THIS"--and he displays a sort of gleaming gem, which Hannah guesses to be one of the legendary four crystals. "I don't know how it got there, nor do I know where the others would be. Please let Vanessa and Eric see this one." Placing the crystal in her care, Grey Eagle takes to the skies again, with his hero-motto ringing in the gradually-warming Wonderland air:

Hannah walks up to Nessa

Hannah: Mum? Uncle Joe gave me something you
Me: What is this for shining gem?
Hannah: I don't know but Uncle Joe told me to give it to you
Me: Thanks love!
Hannah rushes back to her husband Edmund and is the brightest star of the wedding. While she and Edmund and everybody enjoy themselves Nessa and Eric decide to go to Croquet Land

Eric: Are you ready darling?
Me: Yes my love

Eric wraps his arm around Nessa and together they are going off for a long walk. They just left the gardens when Sam joins them

Me: SAM!! What brings you to us?
Sam:'s so crowded over there and the party is great but I want to go with you and see the Croquet Land. Unless the two of you want to go together without anybody else......
Eric: Oh my goodness dear Sam! You can come with us if you like!

Hannah dances with Edmund and then she spots ToJ and Caspian together.
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