"Ok lets go." They steadily rode the horse in that direction. Evetually they found Aslans How and Susan hoped that they hadn't set off without them. Gracefully hopping on the horse they cantered over to the How and went inside.
Emma was on the horse with Lucy.
- Emma! - Caspian said and walked near them. He gave her Susan's horn. - Here. You'll need it. -
Emma smiled.
- Don't worry. - She laughed. - Use it if you need me. -
After a while...
- Use it if you need me? - Lucy said, making fun of her. Emma shook her head, giggling.
And both ran away.
She turned her head around and waved to Alex.
- You still like him, don't you? - Lucy asked her.
- I don't know. I honestly don't know. - She answered. Then, she saw Caspian riding his horse near the place she was. - This is a dilema.
"PETER!? EMMA?! LUCY?! ALEX?! CASPIAN?!" Susan seemed to treasure the words of Caspian almost like she never wanted to let go of them. "Kris? I think they've set off. What do we do? Do you we go to the castle and ruin their plans or sit here by ourselves like saddos???"
OOC: Lucy_But_Taller! Yay we have our Reepicheep! Last time I checked Reepicheep had just saved Edmund in the dungeons so you can carry on from him when-ever you feel comfortable!
Susan guided her horse, with Kris on the horse, into the How and then she contemplated what to do as she stroked the pictures of herself on one of the walls
Well everyone is somewhere, Im not sure where anyone is exept Susan and Kris.
Click on search this thread and then type in a charcters name and you'll know where everyone is. I'll help look with you.