- What is this? - Edmund said. Caspian walked.
- I have a bad feeling about this. - Peter said. Then, his necklace shone.
- Emma? Lucy? Maybe... Susan? - Edmund said.
meanwhile, Emma and Lucy were riding into the woods. Some telmarines saw them and galloped behind them
- Oh, no! - Lucy yelled.
- Lucy, you know how to ride, don't you?! - Emma asked her. She stopped the horse and climbed down.
-I... I do. Emma, what... -
- I'm sorry, Lu. I suppose you'll have to go on alone after all. - Emma said and Lucy galloped away. She gave one more and last glance to Emma, who had drew her knives. Emma was nervous and Lucy saw that she had accepted her death.
- Go! - Emma hurried her. Lucy galloped away and Emma stood still, waiting for the telmarines to attack, and filling her mind with the smiles of Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy.