Well, well, well. I have a few issues to address. First off, I hope magic1 wasn't referring to myself, but I'd like to point out that I have dern good Engrish skills. I have read all teh Chronicles, apart from The Silver Chair (read bits as a kid, now I'm finishing it up) and the Last Battle (same, except that I haven't gotten back to that again). I do remember the blonde mention on Voyage of teh Dawn Treader, but the only official representation I've seen of Caspian, was that picture of him, all suited up in armor, with DARK BROWN hair. The caps are for empaasis, not yelling. Life Maiden even pointed out to me an instance in which he actually had BLACK hair, this being on the front cover of many copies of the Prince Caspian text. So, I'm still quite perplexed as to his official appearance, though I have many reasons to support a dark-haired representation. First off, the name Caspian, at least for me, evokes images of Central Asian backdrops and Iranian/Persian royalty, albeit without the Arab influence (i.e. Achamaemnid or Sassanian), perhaps even Ancient Greek or Roman nobility/royalty. The name would fit better with a dark-haired portrayer, to put it plainly. Secondly, I don't know if I'm alone on this, but I's seriously prefer not to have to wait until HHB for a pure, good, DARK-HAIRED character. I'm kinda tired of the whole blonde=goody twoshoe, so to speak. Edmund was supposed to be blonde and he's a known traitor, but Skandar pulled off a good portrayal of the character, though, so it may seem like a moot point, take it as such, if you choose. On to the topic of the Spanish/Mediterranean casting call(s) for the film. If that's true...then O My Guggenheim to the power infinity!!!!!

Though, in my reading of the article in question, I found that one of the requirements to be cast was, namely, that you be of restricted growth. My interpretation of this is that they're casting for the Black Dwarves (i.e. Nikabrik's party). I sincerely hope I'm wrong on that, 'cause if I am, any and all dark-haired hopefuls would have a seriously good shot at the role (providing they could act). I'm sure I've made it clear as mud already, but I'm Greek on my father's side and I have a definitely Mediterranean appearance, so if the role of Caspian is going to be filled by some one of the said descent, you can see why I'd be so flippin excited about this news. Sorry to all the blonde-model supporters, if this piece of news is true, honestly. But...yeah...*waits to be pwned by a whole load of blonde Caspian supporters*.
See ya on the flipside,
Cyon Corell
P.S.: Don't forget I have Super Spawning/Re-Spawning Powers, combined with my Super Wiccan Ninja Powers, Loads of Kevlar, and my other top-secret super powers, heh, heh. Yes, I'm getting off topic, but, oh well, blame it all on my deranged mind.