Random Thread 2 (please do not delete)

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Who is more dashing?

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Hey yo I know its hard, I know you've been strugglin with some of dem issues, but I got some tissues, cause I've got de truth, ma man up der, he's lookin at yo iight now, he ain't invisible, cause he's in ma hart, and you gotta open it up too man, gotta open it up, cause ma man's name is JESUS, he was born in a manger, and he ain't no stranger, cause he's ma Saviour!
An off topic interesting discussion....I hope i posted it in the right place.....im still new, so easy on me :D i just want to see your views on this:

Ok, how would one describe a peaceful person? My thinking of a peaceful person reflects towards a quite life, and that the person respects and contributes to the community they are living in.

So think about it, if a person watches too much TV and see's that one type of ethnic minority doing crime, it is likely that the person may think that those type of people are bad. The news obviously keeps reporting all the crime that happens happens in this world, and due to that, the 'moderate' people out there are also likely to be bashed by others. I understand when people say, 'why dont the moderate people of that race come out and speak against those that do crime'. But my own belief is that living a private, clean life and respecting the laws of the country your in and contributing to it is more than enough. You can't expect the moderate people to wear a t-shirt saying 'I'm moderate person'!

Now the whole point of this post is to see your guys view on this. I'll be honest with you, in the area where I live, one type of ethnicity do crime and get in trouble. But im a man of my words and believe that they are only a minority and that there are more good than bad out there. Its just the news is causing fuel to create more racism. I mean, we all have our opinions, and that we should not fall in the trap of thinking that certain type of people are always bad.

Opinions anyone?