"Hello? May I speak to Holyboy? What? No one of that name lives here? Hmm...how about Holyboy666? No one? The dancing kid? Ahh, yes, that's who I'm talking about! Thank you very much.
"Holyboy? Yeah, it's the Dancing Lawn Deputy elected to inform you of a certain emergency... What? No no, this is a REAL emergency...I don't know who all those other people trying to get ahold of you were... What do you MEAN one sounded like a badger? Yes...well...the badger had nothing to do with this. Really.
"What? Please? Could you just listen to the state of emergency before you go back?
"Blast it, I'll shred your ballet---errm...your dancing shoes if you don't listen!!! What? Thank you, that's better.
"So anyhow, we're trying to kill Fred the B---
"Stop screaming and listen! Your dance shoes are on the line!!! Thank you. So we have a thread in which we're trying to...well, you know what we're trying to do--hold on, hold on! You sound like a wounded cow! And we are trying to think of 2892 different ways to do it.
"Holyboy? Holyboy? Are you still with me?
*moan so loud you can hear it in the room*
"Guess so. But at any rate, given Fred -- SHHHH!!! Given Fred's history of resilience...errm...in other words, it has never been managed before...at least not permanently... So we were wondering if our methods were working. And we thought if you would come and look...BE QUIET!!! *picks up dance shoes* Thanks. So if you would come and look, we'll know whether he's really dead or not depending on whether YOU are still alive when you're finished...
"Holyboy? Holyboy? Err...Holyboy? THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!! *starts on shoes* *starts cracking hockey sticks* You know, I think I've really lost him!!! What? Oh, Holyboy's Mum? Good to hear from you, ma'am...OUCH! What? I can't understand when you're shrieking like that!!! Holyboy is what? On the ground? He's the color of WHAT? Oh...spinach? Well, I recommend that you get him to the nearest "emergency room" possible...here, I'll give you directions... Type in "www.narniafans.com/forum/2892 Ways to Kill Fred the Box" in your computer browser... What? You can't use a keyboard? Well dash it all, WHERE did Holyboy get his skills then? A box taught him how? Well, about that box....it has a name....*click* Holyboy's Mum? Holyboy's Mum?"
He's fainted dead away...ask his mum...