Olórin the Wise New member Aug 6, 2007 #1,081 You're not supposed to be talking. Your head is in two pieces on my operating table.
Lady of Lorien New member Aug 6, 2007 #1,082 *sadly eyeballs an unfortunate wax doll* Brutal. Brutal.
Lady of Lorien New member Aug 7, 2007 #1,086 Ecch! Don't they spear you? What are you, a sword---errm, spear-swallower?
Lioness_Aslan Active member Aug 7, 2007 #1,087 Pfft Why is everyone poisoning my things? Ben poisoned my air, and now you want to poison my pepper mints! Last edited: Aug 7, 2007
Pfft Why is everyone poisoning my things? Ben poisoned my air, and now you want to poison my pepper mints!
Olórin the Wise New member Aug 7, 2007 #1,088 Cuz the poison is on sale. We've been stocking up on poison, but it goes bad if you don't use it soon enough, so we have to use it now.
Cuz the poison is on sale. We've been stocking up on poison, but it goes bad if you don't use it soon enough, so we have to use it now.
Lady of Lorien New member Aug 7, 2007 #1,089 Particularly, it is especially effective on banner-making lionesses with Liv Tyler in their sigs...
Olórin the Wise New member Aug 7, 2007 #1,090 Ah yes, of course. You see, it's most efficient... besides, using the poison on you generates a field-effect which makes the reast of the poison last longer before it spoils.
Ah yes, of course. You see, it's most efficient... besides, using the poison on you generates a field-effect which makes the reast of the poison last longer before it spoils.
Olórin the Wise New member Aug 7, 2007 #1,093 Oooooh, me likey that smiley! TDL needs a 'raised eyebrow' smiley too!
Lady of Lorien New member Aug 7, 2007 #1,096 *eyebrow grows back way more bushy than before* Why'd you do THAT?!
Olórin the Wise New member Aug 7, 2007 #1,100 The kid must have given a stranger ALL his smiles... *pant* *pant*