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Who is more dashing?

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What if your vampires run out of silver! THEN MY WEREWOLVES WILL DESTROY YOU MUHAHAHA!!! also you have to chose whether to be true to the vampire legend or be buffy stile cause buffy style of course the werewolve would win but true legends then no Im sorry but the vampire would win. But if you want to be true to the legend...... WARNING GEEKY USELESS FACT....
vampires have to be staked with a specifec wood type I dont remember it its the same kind of wood jesus was nailed to, but also get out of your head the buffy none sense vampires dont turn to dust like that by staking them in the heart they MUST be destroyed in there coffin also if it comes to vampires fighting werewolves well of course the vampire would win because a werwolf could not kill the vampire!ok I am going to stop now.... So in conclussion not true to the legend probabley werewolf but true to the legend.... vampire.... depends.

Also this is another useless fact. to become a vampire/werewolf it is ALWAYS personal choice you are never forced to become a vampire/werewolfe!!!
Originally posted by GrayCloak@Oct 7 2004, 02:25 PM
Someone here hasn't seen Van Helsing.....

I apologize for using that blaspheming movie as referance, (so many plot holes...so many betrayals of mythos...but he had a really cool hat....)
W()()t! Love the fedoras (not Linux, Skinner, but the hat...)! I have this one that's really fake (it's made of felt, fuzzy felt, not leather-looking felt), and it's a bit small. But I enjoy wearing occasionally. And I can throw it like the bad guy in Goldfinger (I can hit just about anything!). So, yea, go fedoras!!!!!!!
TrueCrusauder-Couple of comments.

Staking is not the only way to kill a vampire, they can also be decapitaded and can die of starvation. A Wer-wolf could decapitate a vampire.

You are right though, driving a stake through the heart does not make the creature turn to dust, it must be done in the coffin, and in old mythos it is meant to nail the vampire to its' coffin so it can no longer rise to feast on the living. Also, in the 'old mythos' becoming a vamp/wer-wolf is always a choice, you are right.

And now for another...useless fact....

Traditionally to kill a Vampire you must drive a stake throught the heart (made of either hawthorne or rosewood (i believe)) cut off their head and fill the mouth with garlic. To be safe, a crusifix or rosearry was usully nailed to the coffin as well.

Aragorn-fedoras rule! I'm trying to find a place to buy one....
Didn't you have to decapitate it in the coffin? if not dosen't it rise again on the seventh day if oyuo dont stake it?? maybe im getting the werewolf legend mixed up????


PS. Dead rain I know you said that a long time ago but WEREWOLVES DONT LIVE IN SEWERS! you have watched way to much underworld!!!!
No, Crusauder, because in the book Dracula they don't kill him in his coffin, they decapitate him using a bowie knife. And unlike the movies there is no book 'Brides of Dracula' 'Return of Dracula' or 'Son of Dracula'.
i did

i was never the popular one in school. alot of people made fun of me for certain things. mainly for being a computer geek. they were aways talking behind my back and being mean until they needed me to fix their computer or design a webpage for them. Then they're all nice to me.

so after the first few days of 10th grade i decided to quit. now i'm 17 with a GED and a scholarship to Athens Tech which i will be starting pretty soon. after a year of that i will be finishing up my degree in Software Engineering at GA Tech. i can't wait for that. B)
tisk tisk. no no no. young man(skinner), go back to school and finish.... and young lady(black), stay in school. never drop out. just look at this boy. he has not come a long way since he dropped out of school. tisk tisk..... stay in school stay in school..... tisk tisk....

P.S. vampires would still destroy any number(not really) of wer-wolves any day.
Skinner, I really, really, REALLY know that feeling. I had to fix a person(whom I absolutely detest and loathe with a passion)'s laptop. Well, I didn't have to "fix" it, I just had to show her how to open the CD door without using the button. Cuz it wasn't working, and she's pretty much a nmoron, and maybe somebody should edit this post. But only after Skinner's read it.

Anyhow, if I'm gonna get in to West Point, I don't think they'd really like it if I dropped out of school, so, yea. The message to all those impressionalbe kiddies is: "Stay in school!"

And this is my 305th post. So I'll celebrate with Skinner and.......somebody else I think it was Dragon.
Originally posted by Dead Rain@Oct 7 2004, 05:45 PM
tisk tisk. no no no. young man(skinner), go back to school and finish.... and young lady(black), stay in school. never drop out. just look at this boy. he has not come a long way since he dropped out of school. tisk tisk..... stay in school stay in school..... tisk tisk....
Don't tisk tisk me. School isn't for everyone. Some uniqe people just don't fit into school.

Sorry about your incounter Aragon. But thats not the last of them. Be prepared to see more with alot of disprepect for you. Congrats for your 305th post! :)
Vampires rule, man. Proof: there is an entire volume of VideoHound dedicated solely to vampire movies. Do werewolves have one? NOO! :P
Originally posted by Aragorn51088@Oct 7 2004, 06:36 PM
Anyhow, if I'm gonna get in to West Point, I don't think they'd really like it if I dropped out of school, so, yea. The message to all those impressionalbe kiddies is: "Stay in school!"

You want to go to West Point? My brother got an invitaion to aply there! He's been working really hard to meet all the requirments and get a recomendation from our senetor. I think the idea of being paid to go to collage really apeals to him.
I changed the poll

Ok, I ran this poll back in March of this year when we didn't have as many members. So I wanted to run this by our new members and see what you guys think.

Since I've already posted about this, I'm just going to copy what i said:

First let me start my saying how much I hate Superman.


1. He's too perfect. There's only ONE way to kill him. I believe that as a species, us human beings define our reality through misery and suffering. The perfect world would dream that his primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.

2. He's an alien. Not that I don't believe in aliens (because I do) but I would rather depend on a Human super hero than some alien.

3. Costum wise, he's a little bit on the dorky side.


1. This guy can die just like any real Human would. Batman's motive is based on a predication, a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of his species, facilitating the function of Batman.

2. Unlike Superman, Batman has a curse that drives him to fight evil. This curse was created by two bullets that pierced the bodies of his parents. The death of his parents developed a strong form of anger against the unjust criminals. Superman on the other hand, has no motive, no reason to save Humans, he just does it.

3. Bruce Wayne is probly the smartest superhero that I know. Thats why I don't see how Superman could kill him, because information is the most powerfull weapon of all. "Man of Steal" Hmm, did all that steal fill up his brain too? :P

4. One last thing about him: I really love his theme. The black costume, black personality, black everything. He's alot more sophisicated than people make him out to be. Also he has the coolest theme song.