Random Thread 2 (please do not delete)

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Here it is, once again. Round two of the attempt to post the most random/off topic and off the wall threads.

I would like to start this next round by adding that I am posting this from my Playstation 2. Yeah, I finally booted her up again to be my new ftp server. actually, this is just a test, making sure everything is hunky doory.

On that same note, I don't like Coke as much as Dr. Pepper.
Anything you want as long as it doesn't break the forum rules.

My cat broke the forums rules one time. but i promise she will never do it again.

"Something went wrong in Jet crash" experts say
Why do we park on driveways, and drive on parkways?

How hard would it be to nail Jel-O to a wall??? The inquiring minds want to know!!
:blink: Forum... rules? There are rules here? I always thought we were a... a kind of loosely-formed... darn, what's that word? Not atheism, not aristocracy, not antelope... starts with an a... means no government... aparthied? No, that can't be it... darn, what is that word?!?!?! I know this word, I know I do! I studied it in civics and it's got that a-in-a-circle symbol and it's that part in Civilization Three where smoke comes out of the tops of all your cities and nothing gets done till you re-establish the government... ANARCHY! Yes! That's the word! :D *does a happy dance* *hits Theoden with Savvedro's hammer*
you didn't really think that we'd let you say just anything now did you? This is a Christian oriented site. you also have real government laws that could take this place down if broken Plus, once this place has around 1000 members, you will LOVE rules.. you'll realize why you can't run a board without them.
I know, I know, I was just jokin'... some of those huge sites have tons of rules. Like BionicleZonePower. Gets dozens of new members an hour and has the strictest rules ever. They ban you for the littlest things... but that's because they're run by the enforcement-happy Vakhi who are under the leadership of Turaga Dume, who is really just an imposter and a puppet in the hands of MAKUTA LORD OF SHADOWS!!! ARRGH!

But back to randomness:

As many of you know, I am obsessed with Myst/D'ni. Now, many people would say this has nothing to do with Narnia whatsoever, but they're WRONG! I have found a connection! :D In Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, you live on this little island in the clouds called Relto. On Relto is a tiny hut, that is mostly empty when you first come to it save for a couple of empty bookshelves and perhaps a dead bluebottle fly on the windowsill. The only other piece of furniture in the room is a rather large, distinctly non-D'ni, European-style wardrobe. You use this wardrobe to change your avatar's clothes by opening it up and walking into it. While the wardrobe screen is loading, the words at the bottom say "Linking to Wardrobe," the same way they say "Linking to Teledahn" or "Linking to Ae'gura" when you're travelling to another world. And in The Manhole, another game by Cyan, there is already a huge Narnia easter egg.

B) I think it's fair to say that the Miller brothers have a soft spot for LWW, don't you?
Random thread? cool!

Random thought#1:
Um, I like the word Pukeko. It's the name of a type of bird that can be found in New Zealand.

Random thought#2:
Oh! And I found out today that I have an infection in my left ear.

Random thought#3:
The other day my friend George and I went out taking pictures of a skunk that lives near our dorm. George was getting close and almost got sprayed as I kept my distance not knowing whether I should videotape the skunk or him. I got a very entertaining video from this experience.
Thank you dragon for sharing that. It also reminds me about how my dog once ate a marble.
Random thread..ok...so just post whatever comes into your head?

Random thought #1:

If conservitives are on the right side, doesn't that make all democrats wrong?

Random thought #2:

How many roads *does* a man have to walk down, before they would call him a man?

Random thought #3:

Who would win in a battle: Master Chief from Halo, or the Predator?

These are the pressing questions of our generation.... :rolleyes:
Random thought # 1:

I just joined the other day. So I guess that makes me new.

Random thought #2:

Did you ever feel like your brain was running with about a ten second time delay?

Random thought #3;

Master chief...Predator......Master chief...Predator...
Tough one.
oh goody - randomness, ok
1) this will keep me occupied for a few minutes and stop me doing any work (good thing)
3) thats it
4) hang on! from where i'm siting i can see a map of the london underground. very colourful.