Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

King of Narnia said:
(Adam slowly gets up & walks over to Jill and Anna)
"I...I didn't mean to kill him."
"I know, Adam."
*Jill looks up at Anna*
"Go around to all the Rangers and tell them to pack their things. We're going back to Narnia. That's where I'm going to bury my brother."
*Jill gets up and walks torwards the healing room*
(she got stabbed in the side)
*A few minutes later, after Jill DV's with the Pirates, She looks down from the highest point in the ship & yells,

"We need the ship to go faster! I just received word from the Pirates that Jadis the White Witch has been resurrected. And she's aided by
Sean the Dragon and Cumuro the Wizard!"
Jill Pole Queen of Narnia said:
*A few minutes later, after Jill DV's with the Pirates, She looks down from the highest point in the ship & yells,

"We need the ship to go faster! I just received word from the Pirates that Jadis the White Witch has been resurrected. And she's aided by
Sean the Dragon and Cumuro the Wizard!"
Anna starts to yell orders to the Crew.

"Put out the sails, & you people," Anna points to some Rangers, "Start rowing. We need to get to Narnia quick, or else it might be destroyed!" :eek:
*Jill is about to go below to help row the ship, when she see's Adam still looking depress.*

"Adam, If you don't cheer up your going to make me even more depressed."

"I'm not that depressed anymore, Adam. I'm going back to my home, Narnia."
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Jill Pole Queen of Narnia said:
*Jill is about to go below to help row the ship, when she see's Adam still looking depress.*

"Adam, If you don't cheer up your going to make me even more depressed."

"I'm not that depressed anymore, Adam. I'm going back to my home, Narnia."
"Thanks, Jill . I think I'm going to fly to Narnia, and see the Pirates, if that's alright with you." he says to Jill
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