Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

"Just some bugs the size of your fist..." Of course the Southern Sun was an orderly vessel n' there wasn't a bug to be found aboard...all that was in the galley was lots n' lots of food...and cooking utensils. :D
RF glared at Sean, she didn't trust him, she thought he had turned evil too. But she had to know who else had joined with the traitor Curumo. Going to the galley she said "Jill, do you know of anybody else who has joined with Curumo and Jadis?"
Rhyanidd said:
RF glared at Sean, she didn't trust him, she thought he had turned evil too. But she had to know who else had joined with the traitor Curumo. Going to the galley she said "Jill, do you know of anybody else who has joined with Curumo and Jadis?"
"Nope. Only Sean, I think."
RF rolled her eyes. "Sean will you go away? You are the most annoying thing since broken swords! Shoo" Now RF was desperate to get to Middle Earth, she had to know who else had joined with Curumo.
Rhyanidd said:
RF rolled her eyes. "Sean will you go away? You are the most annoying thing since broken swords! Shoo" Now RF was desperate to get to Middle Earth, she had to know who else had joined with Curumo.
IC/OOC= "Ummm...RF....We just left Middle Earth. We're on our way back to Narnia."
Jill Pole Queen of Narnia said:
"What do you mean "yes". You can't be at all the places at once."
"I mean yes. Yes means yes, it also means Si. Si means (Insert Russian word for yes),which means..." Sean went through a whole plathilla of languages before he came back to "Which means yes. Understand?" :D