Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

A gaggle of figures clad in Ranger garb(hooded n' cloaked too) began riding all over Narnia n' Archenland(within Ranger jurisdiction...(sp?)) handing out notices that read thusly:
To all Narnian/Archenland citizens
In order to bring you continued protection, the Rangers decree a tax upon the land of approximately 35%of all income, or an appropriate collateral. Those who do not comply will be left to face the ravages of the White Witch.
Queen Elindil of the Rangers.

Of course this was a forged notice, Elindil would never say such a thing!! :eek: The critters were to travel to a specific location to pay their imposed dues, and a gaggle of Ranger-clad awaited. "Why should we pay for our protection?" Asked a burly centaur. An arrow came whizzing out of the forest n' the shot was fatal :eek:. "You will pay, or suffer the consiquences." Said a black armored knight atop an even darker steed. Sean had the Narnians goin' quite well, seeing as those were ELVES under the guise of Rangers :D
Gondor Knight of Narnia said:
A gaggle of figures clad in Ranger garb(hooded n' cloaked too) began riding all over Narnia n' Archenland(within Ranger jurisdiction...(sp?)) handing out notices that read thusly:
To all Narnian/Archenland citizens
In order to bring you continued protection, the Rangers decree a tax upon the land of approximately 35%of all income, or an appropriate collateral. Those who do not comply will be left to face the ravages of the White Witch.
Queen Elindil of the Rangers.
*Jill knew that Elindil would never put this kind of notice up. So Jill quickly ran to the Knights Castle to inform everyone that someone was trying to get Elindil in trouble.*
Gondor Knight of Narnia said:
And she was chased by the black armored knight!! :eek: :D
*Jill grabs out her mace and hits the Black armored Knight with it.*
