Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

Erulissë Manwathiel said:
Rangers! In case you don't know, we are at war with Saroman. He has outlawed us, and the pirates, with whom we will join armies to try and destroy him...
Prepare for WAR!!!
I'll help you I am Bartholamew Smith I am the captain of a crew of 14 the name of the ship is the silver cannon.I used to serve the wizard but when i realized he didn't care a twig of for narnia or the creatures I left him.All I want to do is protect the creatures.You have an extra 15 men at your disposal.Mind you I am neither a ranger nor a pirate as a great Toa said''I am want I am."
Jill Pole Queen of Narnia said:
IC= *Jill finally woke up, and saw Adam sitting outside of her tent, talking with Emmy*
"Wow, he came back from the dead!" she thinks to herself
ooc/ sorry it took so long for me to post :o
ic/ (Adam gets up and walks over to Jill) "It's about time you got up, I was starting to think I'd have to carry you to the cave. :D "

QA48 said:
WEll, we pirates are being attacked by a sea monster...
"Do you guys need help?"
King of Narnia said:
ooc/ sorry it took so long for me to post :o
ic/ (Adam gets up and walks over to Jill) "It's about time you got up, I was starting to think I'd have to carry you to the cave. :D "
Again, who r u??? And why did she faint!!! :confused:
King of Narnia said:
ic/ooc= I'm Adam the ranger, and Jill fainted because a couple weeks ago I was killed, but now I came back to life, and when Jill saw me she fainted. :D
:eek: WHAT!!!! You died???? But your right here!!!! Your a zombie!! :eek: Lets get you back to the light shall we???!!! *pulls out bow and arrows*
King of Narnia said:
"Whoa! What are you doing!?"
You need to get dead again, it's unnatural to have died, then come back to life! So... I'm re killing you!!

OOC: srz, I just thought of what I would do, and that is the first thing that poped into my head :D
SpiritedWolf said:
How about our targets will be those 2 little apples over their? I'll go first.

*aims arrow* *shoots* YES!!! GOT IT!!!! *confident smile* Your turn
"I have to admit, I haven't practiced in awhile, so I might not be that good."
*Jill walks over, and aims at the apple. She stands there for a few seconds, then releases the arrow, and hits the stem of the apple.* :D

OOC= Sorry, but I have to get off. I haven't been feeling good today. I'll try to come back on later, though. BYE! :)