Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

Jill Pole Queen of Narnia said:
"I have to admit, I haven't practiced in awhile, so I might not be that good."
*Jill walks over, and aims at the apple. She stands there for a few seconds, then releases the arrow, and hits the stem of the apple.* :D
*Mouth hangs open :eek: * Luckey shot!
NarnianWarrior said:
I'll help you I am Bartholamew Smith I am the captain of a crew of 14 the name of the ship is the silver cannon.I used to serve the wizard but when i realized he didn't care a twig of for narnia or the creatures I left him.All I want to do is protect the creatures.You have an extra 15 men at your disposal.Mind you I am neither a ranger nor a pirate as a great Toa said''I am want I am."
This is what I asked.
Emmy, being a little annoyed by how Jill was a much better Archer, decided to try and hit an apple stem, too! Emmy shot arrow after arrow, and each one was a miss after a miss. Emmy finally gave up. "I don't like archery anymore!"
DV: Good Evening Rangers! Right now we are near the Dwarves Cavern where it is suspected Queen Susan is being held. Twilight, Fish, and Machia have gone in search of her. The rest of us pirates are outside setting traps jest in case anyone dares to cross our paths. We'll arrive pretty soon...So 'ave hope, Aslan in on our side.
OOC= Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been on lately :D

IC= *Jill quietly snuck away from the Rangers Camp, into the forest, bringing her bow and arrows with her. When she was deep in the forest, she heard a loud 'booming' noise, and went to go see what it was.*
We don't disappear, we just have nothing to do, and where have you been??? I have missed you, I have something very important to tell you!!! I should stop spamming now, but e-mail, or PM me. :D