New member
"Aye, I suppose ye be one o' the Rangers ter take us ter ye camp?"
SpiritedWolf said:"Aye, I suppose ye be one o' the Rangers ter take us ter ye camp?"
SpiritedWolf said:"Aye! How be Jill o' the Rangers? She still the best archer around?"
SpiritedWolf said:"I cut me leg eariler... little pain tha' suprised me!" Emmy knew the pain would last.
SpiritedWolf said:"Aye, thankee fer the herbs an' new bandage. It be most kind of ye." Emmy hadn't gotten bit by an ordinary fish... it was a bad fish!
ooc: btw, Emmy almost drowned and got bit by a fish...
*~Aslansfriend~* said:ooc: Oh ok that explains it...lol![]()
"Your most welcome Emmy, it was my pleasure!" Jenny gave a kind smile.
Shyan walked up to Emmy and began licking her face.
Twilightdryadhobbit said:"Ye know, I've heard that a dog's mouth has some healin' factors in it. But it sounds wierd to reccomend dog spit fer a wound, doesn't it?"
Emmy and Jenny gave Twilight a wierd look, and she reached down and patted the wolf on the head.
"Somehow I doubt that'd be an Elashia approved cure..." Fish said as she walked behind Twilight, carrying her hammer and some nails.
QA48 said:"Aye, that be enough talking, we better get a move on before daylight comes and whatever be roaming these woods are able to describe us to the Wizard," the Captain said as she passed by Emmy and Chloe.
ooc-I really have no clue where we're at at the momentDid we arrive at the Rangers camp or are we still at the beach?
Machiathemarshwiggle said:ooc: I think we're somewhere in the woods between the beach and the Rangers' camp...![]()
ic: Machia stood up, slung his musket over his shoulder and teleported in the middle of a group of pirates who were standing around doing nothing...
"ARRRR!!! What be ye doin' ye sea slugs? Thar be plenty o' work what needs doin'... Arrrrr, get them supplies out o' the boats... They need to be carried to the Rangers' camp... Them Rangers haven't had so much as a crust o' bread fer two days, while ye've been sneakin' into the galley, after hours an' stuffin' yerselves full of food... Gar, Don't try to be actin' all innoccent, neither... I got plenty o' eyewitness repots next mornin'.... So unless ye want to know what it be like to starve fer two days, I'd be gettin' those supplies in pretty short order..." The Pirates hurried off to the boats and Machia sent his DV after them.. "Once ye have the supplies, I want ye all back here in an orderly line... Gar, an' be carefull with the medical supplies... If any o' it gets damaged I'll makes sure ye don't get anythin' to eat fer a month!!" He turned off his DV and walked over to where the Captain stood...
"Arrr... I be hopin' that ye know where exactly this camp be, 'cause I meself have no idea..."
QA48 said:The Captain gave Jenna a look, though she didn't mean to look as mean as she came accross. Jenna just turned her head forward once again. "What's yer name Ranger?" the Captain asked.