Machia!" the Captain shouted. "Into the Cave with the rest of us. Oh and go and grab Fyn, Lu, Emmy, and Terry. I know it be a dark time fer all of them, but we have to get moving. We will surely pay our proper respects when all of this is over. And I promise we will. Kyn was one of our best mateys." She sighed as she turned around and entered the cave.
Elindil was having a conversation with one of her Rangers when QA48 entered the room. "aye, any good news?" she asked.
"Well, depends. I have just been informed that some of my men have found a herd of talking horses about 10 miles away from where we are. A group of Rangers will be traveling to speak to them to see if they will be able to help us," Elindil said.
"What? You mean they're talking animals?" Fyn said as she entered the room with Machia, Torrey, and Lu.
"Yes, a pretty large herd. Oh so I've been told." Elindil said. She picked up a cup of hot tea that Lu had made for her earlier, "Mmm. Good tea. Thanks...What was your name again?"
"Lucy, my name is Lucy. But, you can call me Lu," Lucy answered.
The Captain clapped her hands once as she took a step forward," I guess, with the exception of Twilght, we are all here. Fish, Machia, IOWW, Elindil, Fyn, Lucy, Emmy, and Torrey. I guess the time has come."
The all sat on logs that were set up in a square, so that they could face each other. Or at least the person that was sitting in front of them.
"The time has come for what?" Elindil asked in curiosity. "Please, elaborate," she said as she placed her cup of tea on the floor.
Fish turned to face Elindil, "Well, we came up with a plan that might help us greatly in the battle."
"And that would be?" Elindil skeptically asked.
"We're thinking about bringing the Pevensies!" IOWW said as she jumped up from where she was sitting, while Elindil did the same.
"What?!" Elindil said as she rose up. "this is madness! How are we going to bring them back?"
"With Susan's horn!" the Captain said as she got up from her seat (log

"But the horn is rumored to be inside the treasure rooms of Cair Paravel! That place is swarming with orcs and black dwarves! And you are going to send them?!" Elindil pointed at the group of female pirates.
Fyn, Lu, Emmy and Torrey all looked at each other. "You think we aren't capable of doing this?" Torrey asked.
"No!" Elindil exclaimed.
"Yes! I do believe in them!" the Captain said with a frowned look upon her face.
"Ugh! Well, what about you?" Elindil said as she turned to Fish and Machia.
"Well, I believe in the Cap'n. And if she believes that these pirates can do it, then I will support her decision in sending them," a serene and calm Fish said.
"But you didn't answer my question, do you think they are capable of a successful mission?" Elindil asked.
Fish thought for a second. "Yes...I do believe they be capable of a successful mission. With Aslan's help anything is possible. Besides ye haven't heard the rest o' the plan...Now, if everyone would jest calm yerselves and sit down."
Elindil, QA48, Torrey, and IOWW all sat down. Machia stood up leaning his back against a wall.
"Now," the Captain gave Elindil a strong look as she went on talking. "We were thinking that on the second day, We'll DV the wizard saying that three of our mateys 'ave been killed by an orc and that we killed his orc but didn't 'ave anough time to save Fyn, Lu, Emmy and Torrey. We will tell him that we would like to come to some form of a peaceful agreement in order fer us not to fight this war. Then we summon the Wizard and tell him to meet us over at the Stone Table so that we could talk about said agreement. Although it will all be a lie, and the Wizard will most likely reject our offer."
"We can't summon him to the Stone Table and lie to him there! That's the place were Aslan died and resurrected! We can't lie on holy ground. I say we change the Location," Elindil said.
"Arr Elindil be right, Cap'n. We can't lie on the ground where Aslan died fer Narnia's sake," Machia said as he came in to the light of the ground fire that was in the middle of the cave.
"Fine, we'll 'ave two whole days to think 'bout a location. But it cannot be near this site," the Captain said. "Now," she turned to Fyn, Lu, Emmy and Torrey. "Are ye ready fer that mission. Ye know, mentally, physically and emotionally?
Torrey was the one to take a step forward, then Lucy. Fyn who took a deep breath before taking that step, was the last one. "I'll be leading this mission. I am ready," she said.
A smile spread accross all of the members of FF's faces.
"um..Elindil, I was wondering, if ye can spare them some bows and arrows fer them. They 'ave nothing but Muskets and Pistols and they be too noisey. They'll alert the others inside the castle that there be intruders," QA48 humbly said.
"Oh! We can't ferget!!!! the smoke bombs! I 'ave some in me bags, let me get them fer ye," an ecstatic IOWW said as she left the cave running.
Elindil stood thinking for a second. The captain rolled her eyes but because she had her hat on so low to her face, no one notices. "I suppose I can. Let me lead ye to one of the other rooms inside this cave where we store all our weapons," Elindil said.
Elindil led the pirates into the room. "WOW! who manufactures all of these?" Fish said.
"Dwarves up in the north. They be really good with us. We keep in contact with them every now and then," Elindil said as she handed the girls their
bows and
quiver full of arrows. That be enough I guess..." Elindil said.
The faces of Fyn, Lu, Emmy and Torrey lit up. They suddenly felt empowered by their new weapons. "Psfft, I never seen ye this excited when Twilight hands ye yer weapons!" Machia said.
"We should lead them into the woods," Fish said.
As they all left the cave and came outside, all the Pirates and Rangers stopped what they were doing and stood up as the group of female pirates passed by them. "What are they all looking at us for?" Fyn said. "You think they know?"
In front of the woods was IOWW waiting with a bag in her hands. "Alright there mateys, use these only when necessary!" She the girls two smoke bombs each. And they said farewell to the Pirates and Rangers.
"May the grace of Aslan be with you," Elindil said.
"Are ye better come back in one piece!" the Captain told them. And with that said the three of the turned around, took a deep breath and started walking into the woods.
Their journey had just began, and a new chapter was beginning.