Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

ooc: I'm back! And everything looks so new... Anyway, hopefully I'll be on more regularly now.

ic: "So what do ye be wantin me to do now Capn?" questioned Twilight over DV, wiping the sweat off her face with her red bandanna. "I'll be fine with beatin in the heads of more orcs, but if ye have somethin else that needs doin'..."
"Go and decapitate their heads. I want them as trophies! In fact, I want ye to bring me all the bodies, decapitate all of them. I'll be sending the wizard a gift," the captain said as she smiled.

"Arrrr.... No offense Cap'n, but that's more then a bit gross...." The First Mate said, "Gar, I've never understood what yer thing is 'bout trophies, Matey..." Machia continued, shaking his head as he cleaned his cutlass.... "Why would anyone a bunch o' disembodied heads sittin' in their cabin...."

Machia gave a short laugh as sheathed his cutlass and got to his feet.... He put on his hat and turned back to the Captain.... "Arrr... Do ye know who was in charge o' bringin' th' medical supplies on shore? Gar, a few o' the men took a good beatin' an' need cleanin' up... Unless ye be needin' me to organize them orc heads, I'll be inside o' the cave takin' care o' the wounded..."

Machia picked up his musket and started to walk towards the cave... "Arrr... but if the FF be havin' a meetin' or we get news from the people at Cair or ye need me to be doin' anythin', don't hesitate to DV me...." Machia turned and teleported to the mouth of the cave... He disappeared inside and began to search for the medical bag...
IOWW went back down to the river to get more water and to properly clean her small wound. She sat on a rock near the river and bandaged her wound. Her thoughts then wandered to Lucy, Fyn and Emmy. She hadn't heard from them in at least a week or two.
"I hope they're alright..."
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*Lucy nodded and breathed in and out*

"How is everyone? I got it, I got it."

IOWW laughed at Lucy,
"Everyones fine, don't worry. We've been too worried about you three!" Fyn and Emmy arrived at IOWW and Lucy's side. Then IOWW's eyes fell upon Lucy's Cordial in Fyn's ( I think she's holding it anyway...) hand, and Susans horn, that was lying on Lucy's stomach. A smile spread across her face.
"You...you guys did it! You did it!"
IOWW laughed at Lucy,
"Everyones fine, don't worry. We've been too worried about you three!" Fyn and Emmy arrived at IOWW and Lucy's side. Then IOWW's eyes fell upon Lucy's Cordial in Fyn's ( I think she's holding it anyway...) hand, and Susans horn, that was lying on Lucy's stomach. A smile spread across her face.
"You...you guys did it! You did it!"

"Duh!" said Lucy.

"Did you honestly think that we wouldn't finish the mission?"
"IOWW, dear your squishing me. "

*She laughed*

"Can I blow it?"

"Oh, apologies..." She laughed.
"No, you probably shouldn't...not until The Cap'n says so, at least..." She helped Lucy up.
"C'mon. I'm sure everyone'll be excited to see you! Ah-but take your time. Aslan knows how long you've been running. You're safe again. Camp's just across the river.":D
"Oh, apologies..." She laughed.
"No, you probably shouldn't...not until The Cap'n says so, at least..." She helped Lucy up.
"C'mon. I'm sure everyone'll be excited to see you! Ah-but take your time. Aslan knows how long you've been running. You're safe again. Camp's just across the river.":D

*Lucy nodded and followed IOWW*

"I'm glad to be back, and I feel safe."
*Lucy nodded and kept Susan's horn safely in her arms*

*Lucy tip-toed in the water*

"Its cold."

"It's not too bad..." IOWW held her breath as the water reached her waist. She then remembered her wound and groaned. It would most likely be re-opened and bleeding becasue of the water. Thankfully it was small. It's a good thing you guys came when you did...any earlier and we probably never would have seen you again..." IOWW told them as she walked on shore.
"It's not too bad..." IOWW held her breath as the water reached her waist. She then remembered her wound and groaned. It would most likely be re-opened and bleeding becasue of the water. Thankfully it was small. It's a good thing you guys came when you did...any earlier and we probably never would have seen you again..." IOWW told them as she walked on shore.

*Lucy gave her a confused face*

"Why not? Were you guys planning on moving?"