Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

Saruman said:
"Destroying?" he asked, as if puzzled. "No, no, not destroying. If all were to obey the rules as they have been set forth, then there would be no problems. But rebels and traitors must be dealt with swiftly, as you perfectly well know, IOWW. I do not see the reason why you must be involved in this messy war. Your captain Aravis has roped you into this. You have the chance, and I counsel you to flee now, and save your skin."
"Never. I'm in this on me own free will. I've seen with my own two eyes what your orcs have done to this beautiful land. And I plan on putting a stop to it, no matter what."
Saruman said:
ooc: Thanks for the welcome! It is good to be back among dear friends again. :)

ic: "My armies, dwindling?" The Wizard let out a cold, shrill laugh. "How little you know! Deceive yourself then, fool! Long have I foreseen your doom, and I know now that it is near at hand! Beware of the seas next time you seek to venture out again!"

The Wizard spoke to the captain. "And what would it profit to visit with you? What is it you desire?"

It is not jest me who would like to meet with ye. The FF and Elindil have expressed a desire to meet with ye personally. But ye must promise to come unarmed as we will do the same.
QA48 said:
It is not jest me who would like to meet with ye. The FF and Elindil have expressed a desire to meet with ye personally. But ye must promise to come unarmed as we will do the same.
"We have?" Fish asked. "Arr...Cap'n, if ye say so. There be a few things I plan on saying to the Wizard's face..." "and a few things I plan on doing to the Wizard's face, too..." she thought
The Wizard thought about it for a time. "What have you to say? Say it here and now, then. I am not convinced a personal meeting would profit anyone. Your words are venomous enough for me to hear now from where I sit in the throne of Cair Paravel than to have to regard you in person." The Wizard chuckled to himself.
Jest because of the fact that the meeting will be more personal. Have have ye got to lose Wizard? Don't ye 'ave the whole Kingdom of Narnia in your hands?
QA48 said:
Jest because of the fact that the meeting will be more personal. Have have ye got to lose Wizard? Don't ye 'ave the whole Kingdom of Narnia in your hands?
IOWW leaned over and whispered in Fish's ear, " He thinks he does anyway..." :D
QA48 said:
*sigh* We're still here. Eveyone else left! Just when we were about to go forward with the RPG! :mad:
so close, yet so far away...well, is there anything else we can do? Oh, I wanted to talk to you about the future of the Black Spot. Though perhaps that would be better to discuss over PMs. Either way is fine with me.
Caim stood upon his dragon. His dragon sat upon the field. He looked over at the pirates. His dragon said, "Caim... They seem preoccupied with other matters.. Perhaps we should leave this land." Caim looked down, thinking of what the wizard had done to his land. Caim looked to the dragon, with sad eyes. It understood. It let him down, and Caim begun to walk towards the pirates, his dragon behind him.
Tsukyomi said:
Caim stood upon his dragon. His dragon sat upon the field. He looked over at the pirates. His dragon said, "Caim... They seem preoccupied with other matters.. Perhaps we should leave this land." Caim looked down, thinking of what the wizard had done to his land. Caim looked to the dragon, with sad eyes. It understood. It let him down, and Caim begun to walk towards the pirates, his dragon behind him.
ooc- Sorry I dissappeared guys, We went out to dinner for my dad's Birthday.

ic- IOWW saw the man and the dragon walking towards them and pulled out her pistol.
"Who are you?" She asked cautiously.
Caim looked back to his dragon. The dragon slightly nodded, and spoke, saying, "He is Caim, and I am his pact-partner, Angelus. We come from a land, where Caim was prince, until the Wizard came. The Wizard ruined the land, destroying cities. We fought him for months, and have come here to exterminate him. WE have been looking for others who oppose him."
Tsukyomi said:
Caim looked back to his dragon. The dragon slightly nodded, and spoke, saying, "He is Caim, and I am his pact-partner, Angelus. We come from a land, where Caim was prince, until the Wizard came. The Wizard ruined the land, destroying cities. We fought him for months, and have come here to exterminate him. WE have been looking for others who oppose him."
"Oh, really?" IOWW questioned," I don't mean to sound rude, but what land might this be? The land which you came from."
"We come from the land of Union. Caim will not be answering you though, for in a pact, one must give up the thing they love most. For Caim, it was his voice."