Gondor Knight of Narnia
New member
ooc-tee hee. You're in for it now.![]()
OOC-wesah seein'

IC-A Numenorean warship happened to be a few yards away from the merpeople...

ooc-tee hee. You're in for it now.![]()
OOC-wesah seein'![]()
IC-A Numenorean warship happened to be a few yards away from the merpeople...![]()
A few stopped to tell teh warship while the rest continued on to the land of Numenor to warn the rest of them.![]()
"UP there, Numenoreans! Pharazon's ships are coming to attack Numenor!"
Err...what's a going on?
ooc: okay!
Ic: *finishes bandaging arm and comes to see what all the noise is. "What's going on? We're not under attack again are we?"
Bother! I have to go now. *sniff*
ooc- What's with the cannon fire, Sean? lol
"I'm jus' not used ter this height..." Emmy swollowed hard again.
Angelus nodded, and slowly landed right outside the camp. Caim helped her down.
Sean handed Caim an arrow he'd pulled out n' dissapeared as an elf wailed in pain in the background....![]()
Caim looked at the arrow, and then up at where Sean had been. He threw the arrow behind the dragon, and pointed at Emmy.
Who got glares from the medics![]()
ooc-lol! You two...honestly.![]()
ooc: Hey you guys! I'm really sorry to ask this, because I know how much you guys hate it when people say this, but what happened after the mermaids said that they'll join us? Can someone please explain it to me because I reallyyyy don't have much time.