ooc- Bye Grace!
OKay, here we go.
IOWW meets Aslan: Part 2
Lights, Camera, Check the gate, and ACTION!
Her eyes widened, and she looked up at Aslan,
“W-what do you mean, Aslan? I don’t understand…”
“I mean, dear child, today was not your day to die. That day will not come for many years, although you may come close to it more often than not…” Aslan smiled, and continued,” As you said before, they need you. And you need them.”
“Oh, thank you, Aslan!” IOWW flung her arms around Aslan’s neck and buried her face in his mane.
Aslan laughed, and IOWW felt it go through her body, making her laugh as well.
“Come, my child. Let me show you what your death has wrought…and what your life needs to un-do…” Aslan turned around and walked towards the Rangers camp. IOWW rushed to his side and walked with him.
It took mere moments for IOWW to spot someone she knew.
“Herkimer!” She ran over to him and went to hug him, but, just as when she was with the Pevensie’s, she went right through him.
“B-But Aslan…I thought you said I’m going back!”
“You are, IOWW. But, I’m afraid you will have to be more patient than that. I can not bring you back just yet.” He told her.
“I’m sorry, I should have known I wouldn’t go back immediately…”
Herkimer was sitting against a tree when he felt warmth engulf him.
"What the-?" He proclaimed. A feeling of joy filled his heart.
"That was odd..."
“It’s quite alright, dear one. Come, there is much more for you to see.” Aslan lead her a few more yards until Lucy and Fyn were in sight. She stopped in her tracks when she saw them.
“F-Fyn…Lu…” She walked slowly over to them. The tears had begun to flow again.
“I’ve never seen them like this before…”
Lucy was trying to talk to Fyn, but, Fyn didn’t seem to know who she was.
“What’s happened to her?” IOWW asked Aslan.
“She is blinded by her grief.” IOWW took a step forward and fell down to her knees so she was eye level with Fyn and Lucy.
“I-Is it permanent?” She asked.
“It may be, and it may not be. Her grief has made her do many things she’s never done before.”
“What do you mean?” IOWW gave Aslan a confused look. Aslan then took a step back, and stared into an empty space of Forest. Suddenly, an image of Fyn slowly appeared. She had IOWW’s cutlass, and was killing orcs with such a fury. IOWW put her hand to her face and cried into it.
“What have I done to her? Th-That’s not Fyn…” She sobbed.
“Fyn, for the first time, could not control her anger. Seeing you die left her so grief stricken that she could not control herself…” IOWW looked back at Fyn and reached out to grab her hand. She reached out, but once again she couldn’t touch somebody she wanted. She tried and tried to grab her hand, but failed. Eventually giving up, leaving her to sit and cry even harder.
ooc- Okay, as you can see wiht Herkimer, you can't SEE IOWW yet, but you can feel her and Aslan being there.