"alright, your ready?"
"Yes I'm ready"
"You sure"
"Just go"
A flash of light and the two weren't far from Cair Paravel. As they walked through the highly vegitated area they started to learn more about each other.
"When we were kids, you know we are twins"
"No I didn't."
"Well now you do, anyway, father sent me off to train as a Jedi, and he sent you to mom. They are divorced, and even then they were. Mom fell to the Dark side, but she wasn't really a Sith, barely even a Dark Jedi. But dad said he felt the dark side was untameable in you. In me he said he could take it out, but he didn't. I'm glad, I love this power. But I'm not saying I didn't love dad, he was all I had in the world.
I was about 16 when I discovered about you, dad didn't talk about you much. Dad died in a wreck, he was being chased, no one to this day even know who was chasing him. I knew I had to find you. I was not powerful enough, and we had a force bond, which allowed me to find you. But it also overpowered me to the dark side. Part of me blames you for dad's death, and the other loves you."
Revan had a blank expression. Then he spoke, "I'm sorry for your loss. I saw him in your dreams, he was a rightous man.
I on the otherhand, did not 'fall' to the power of the dark side. I chose it. I don't remember mother at all. The farthest I can remember is being abducted by the Mandalorians, after I grew up with them. I had already fought in many battles, then Mandalore the Valiant died. I took up his helmet, others were jelous, said that I wasn't pure. Others said that Mandalore saw something in me, and thats why I was here. Our clan divided, mine eventually diminished theirs. Then I found here, our weapons turned into ancient relics here. Which I'm sure you figured out. I found these pirates, and Knights. When I first found them, they were enemies. Some arabic king made them brothers. The arabian was their enemy. But I was their toughest fight, I didn't beat them. Eventually some of my men rebelled against me, and betrayed me. Perhaps if I had listened to the traitors, I would be under the pirates living a peaceful life. But I didn't, I then gave them my ture appearance, as Darth Revan. Our battles were plenteful but pointless. Soon one of their battles destroyed every bit of me, and I became machine, almost no mind. But I had a heart, I fell in love, with a woman named IOWW. But the dark side in me turned more evil than ever. I tortured her, and my empire fell. I left. I died that night, but was brought back to life with my own power. I had no control then, but I called myself a Sith lord. I was but an apprentice. I've died and been ressurcted many times, so many times it was ridiculas. Then some computer program killed me, I died unnoticed. Unloved, I deserved it. And I can't redeem myself. I don't care.
A man named Saruman took over the kingdom, he said he was my friend. I was but a child to him. A scoundrel. I haven't heard from him in a while, he needs to be taken out, if he is still alive." Revan paused for a while, and came up with an idea. "Aurora! I have an idea!

The pirates don't know you yet. You could join them! I don't know if it will work though. But I will help you. I've done it several times! But failed....but I'm sure it will work for you!"
"Um ok....Where are you going to be?"
"I'll set up camp just ahead, I've lived there before."
"Teleport to them" She kissed him goodbye.
"I'll see you later."
In a flash of light she was gone, Revan headed to make camp, it was getting dark anyway.
Aurora found a creature, she cut her leg wide open, and asked the animal to lead her to the pirates.