ooc: Darn and phooey! I can't believe I missed all the excitement! Next time my lovely brother can TELL me when something like this happens. Grrrrrr..
Ic: Twilight was marching along beside IOWW and the Pevensies. She could hardly believe all that had happened in one weekend (ooc: I'm with you Twilight..

) first she and IOWW had returned from thier orc destroying missio to find that the Rangers camp was under a fiercer attack than they had experienced in a long time. Twilight was fighting with all her might, and had almost used up her powder supplies. She was firing pistol at the same time as she was pulling her cutlass from a downed orc when she heard a loud sob from Lucy. She had looked up to see IOWW lying so still... the cordial dripping from her unmoving mouth. Twilight's eyes seemed to glaze over as she automatically fought the enemy, wondering why she bothered, if tragedy was all that followed? The night after the battle she sat by herself, refusing to be comforted by her friends. Finally, right before the funeral she stood from her dark corner in the comforting woods, her jaw tight. She'd decided. She wasn't going to let them win. She might be fighting a losing battle, but she wouldn't stop fighting it, even if it meant nothing now, what she fought for and lived for now would matter eternally. She would protect those she loved and those that Aslan loved with ever strength in her body, she only wished that IOWW.... Then... then everything was better than it had ever been. Just seeing Aslan again had given her new hope and life. Looking into his golden eyes and seeing the unknown depths of strength and love behind them had wiped away the despair of the last few days.
Now Twilight walked beside IOWW and occassionally shot glances at the new comers, the Pevensies. She had never been particularly big on stuffy royalty, but these children at least seemed to be.. decent sorts. She wondered with a slight grin whether "Queen Susan the gentle" could be taught to shoot a rifle with as much effiency as her bow...
"So IOWW, how does it feel to be back after scarin' us out of our wits fer a couple days?" She questioned, digging her friend in the side with her elbow, (As slight punishment she deemed only fair for the heart rending experience she'd put them all through)
ooc:Sorry this is so long, but Twilight had to have some reaction to this crazyness...