"I have to make a list..." Comes back an hour later with 'THE LIST' She's pretty sure that he won't agree to, but it's worth a shot a least.
1. I am aloud to do what I want, when I want.
2. You are not aloud to kill, injure, hurt, main or capture ANY rangers, or Numanorians, or give anyone commands or permission to do so.
3. You are not aloud to kill any pirates, knights or talking animals (including Dragons) unless I say so, or give anyone commands or permission to do so.
4. You have to let me live at Cair Paravel, or anywhere I want to live.
5. You have to give me power. (How could I 'rule' Narnia without it?)
6. You will have NO control over me.
7. You can NOT use magic on me, or order or give permission, or allow ANYONE to do so unless I agree first.
8. You must a least try to kill Scaryman, and his followers.
9. I must have my own, decent sized army. (Rangers are fine.)
10. I get servants...
*Hands him the paper...* "I think that's all...You have to agree to them, on pain of death, and then I'll join you. But not before. Do we have a deal? Or would...WAIT!"
* grabs pen and scribbles down #11.*
11. You must say sorry to Elindil, and MEAN it!
"There! What say you?