ooc: Wow, I see a bad moon a risin.... I think our Capn' better get in on the captive Ranger deciding the future of the free world.... especially after being poisoned with some very convenient poison... Does Pherezon have magical powers?
ic: Twilight was awake and tuning in her Disembodied ears all over Narnia, as far as she could reach. After hearing her old friend Master Cornelius the dwarf tell his Grandchildren a bedtime story, Twilgiht turned her ears towards Cair Paravel, dreading hearing the wizard's maddening voice, but also knowing that she could possibly tune in and hear some of what he was planning before he sensed her. However, when she tuned into Cair Paravel she heard shouts and screams from Pherezon (ooc: Sp?, sorry, I'll get it sooner or later...

) and Elendil. She caught only the tail end of thier argument, but it was enough to make her face grow grave and angry. She rushed up to the Captain, Machia, Fish and IOWW (ooc: Any of the above can answer this, or anyone else who wants to) and said: "Mateys, I've got some bad news. Elendil is in a cell with the evil Pherezon, and he just pulled an "Evil *she swallowed in a pained sort of way but got out* Twilight" on her. She wants to help him crush her "subjects" and apparently we pirates be included!!! Besides the indignity of this to our piratey freedom, now we might possibly have another enemy to contend with, and this one leads the Rangers! We'll have to alert them, but here's the rub: What if they don't believe us? What'll we do if they decide to follow thier leader? This could be a problem in our future here mateys. And much as I want to use me cannons fer a battle again, I don't relish firin on our former ally. What do ye say we should do? Any ideas besides stormin the castle like we should've done from the beginning?"